Chapter Premonitions

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AUTHORS NOTES- Hello this is an intermission chapter. I do realize you all want to see the climax of this section of the story finally come to a head and I promise you will. The very next chapter is the end with closure.(For reals, absolutely, positively 100 percent) It's just that I am going to go with my gut and I feel that this tidbit of information needs to be unveiled now instead of later for story progression reasons and to hype the reading of the next arc. Let me know your thoughts. I will be getting the end out soon. I had to do major revisions and swaps on it which delayed its initial release. Thanks again for your continued reading. 



The tower was cold, quiet, and soulless. The castle stone bled with the memories of a past that I wished I could forget. A swelling heartache was all that remained from these halls that at one point in time in my life carried much joy in my heart. The laughter that once echoed within these walls has all but silenced and faded away into nothing short of a never-ending sorrow and a painful reminder. A reminder of something I could never have. A happiness that was always just out of my grasp. That was my destiny.

I moved away from leaning against the window as I performed my everyday morning routine of assembling myself. A monotonous task of getting out of bed over and over again. I lost count of the days it has been. So long already have I been walking through the motions in an endless daze that I have instinctively begun to force myself to wear the ceremonial dresses and smiles they all wanted to see when all the while they were behind a mask of tears.

I sighed, letting out a breath of regret. What was it all for? What was the meaning of anything anymore? What is the point of having peace restored if the price is more than I can bear?

The dawn crept over the silent green hills to the east beyond the city and the chill wind blew in from the north bringing with it a gust that pierced the depths of my bones. But, not even a fell wind such as that could even come close to contending with the ice that was now my heart.

The city for a while now had begun the monumental task of rebuilding and the people had much to be glad for and yet even with all that, I felt dead inside. Everything was cold to me and living held no appeal to me anymore. I was a statue. A void and empty shell of a woman I believed myself to be. I felt nothing.

The voice of one of Simon's men spoke to me as I stood while gazing out the window, awakening me from daydream as he came into my chamber; breaking me away from what leftover peace I had left hidden in the memories of happier days.

"Your... Majesty, the reinforcements from Tarble have arrived."

I didn't answer. My stare was trapped gazing out beyond my keep past the city into the depths of my thoughts which were now a blank space of maybe memories that could never be. They too have been swallowed up by a silent nothingness that was now my soul.

Just below my tower, the townsfolk had returned in full force and the people were busy bustling and starting anew. New homes, new markets, and a new beginning. And I could care less to even notice them. I was lost in a sea of despair.

"Your majesty? Did you hear me? The reinforcements that you summoned have—"

"I heard you the first time, Villamor." I snapped. My neck twisted to face him but I quickly remembered to loosen my fist, realizing who I was and how I should behave.

"Sorry, Villamor... you were saying?" I said, focusing hard to force a phony smile that blurred as I stared at him.

The man quickly fixed his fancy shirt and composed himself, coughing into his fist as if he had a sprawling laundry list for the day's agenda to lay out to me.

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