1)Y/n Ah Wait For Me

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Y/n Pov
I Was Now On My Morning Jog Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n PovI Was Now On My Morning Jog Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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Its Was A Beatiful Morning In Seoul I Was Running While My Airpods Was On My Ears When  My Song Interuppted

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Its Was A Beatiful Morning In Seoul I Was Running While My Airpods Was On My Ears When  My Song Interuppted

"Y/n Ah Wait For Me"A Voice I Heard And I Turn Around It Was The One And Only Jungkook Oppa

"Y/n Ah Wait For Me"A Voice I Heard And I Turn Around It Was The One And Only Jungkook Oppa

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He Was Catching Me Since I Run Too Fast On Him

"Wait For Me"He Said Again I Chuckled On Him  I Saw The Guards Opening The Gate On Us

"Good Morning Miss Bae"The Guard Greeted Me

"Good Morning"I Greeted Him Back And Continue Running

"Y/n Wait"Jungkook Oppa Said And I Stop While Catching My Breathe And I Saw Him Patting Heavily

"Gosh Do You Know How Much I Run To Catch You"Jungkook Oppa Said

"I Know It Oppa"I Said While Wipping My Sweats In My Towel

"Gosh Your So Fast"Jungkook Oppa Said Makes Me Chuckle

"Owww You Guys Are Already Here"A Voice We Heard And It Was Mom

"Yes Auntie Bae Gosh Your Daughter Is So Fast To Catch"Jungkook Oppa Said

"Its Should Be Cause She Is Doinv More Works Out Now"Dad Said

"The Food Is Ready Lets Go"Mom Said

"I Will Just Gonna Take A Shower Mom"I Said While Going Upstairs

"Make Sure Dont Be Late On The Meeting Today Right?"Dad Said

"Promise Dad"I Said Anz Went In My Room

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