6)Already Ruin

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Y/n Pov
Im Now Here Dealing With These Piece Of Shit Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n Pov Im Now Here Dealing With These Piece Of Shit Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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I Was Dealing In This Old Man Who Has Been Have A Debt With Me In 4 Years

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I Was Dealing In This Old Man Who Has Been Have A Debt With Me In 4 Years

"Now Im Telling You Pay Me Or You Know The Consequences"I Said

"Please No Y/n Please Make Me Borrow Some Money I Promise If I Win In The Casino I Will Pay It"He Said

"Pay It?I Dont Think So This Is The 10th Time You Told Me This And Even You Win You Wont Pay Me"I Said

"No I Promise This Time Jebal(Please)I Have To Work For My Daughter Future Life Im Begging You"He Said Pleading On Me

"Your Daughter's Future Life?Sorry But Already Ruin"I Said

"Already Ruin?"He Said Confusely

"Ohh Yes Wait She Didn't Told You?I Guess She Didn't Trust Her Appa"I Said

"What No She Trust Me Well Thats Why She Choose Me Over Her Mom"He Said

"Then Why She Didn't Told You That She Was Got Pregnant By His Boyfriend"I Said

"What She Is Pregnant"He Said Shookly

"Woah Woah So Shock I Guess You Just Found Out Today"I Said

"Aish I Already Told Her To Not Trust Him That Girl"He Whispered

"Anyways Even You Found Out Your Going To Be A Grand Pa Now Sadly I Will Say You Wont Able To Meet Your Grandchild Since You Will Going To Meet Satan Already"I Said While Pointing The Gun On Him

"Please No Y/n Please"He Begged

"3 2 1 Times Up Good Bye Mr Lim"I Said

"Y/n No"He Was Cutted Off By Me Shooting Him In The Head Blood Start Scuttering In The Place

"Clean This Mess Make Sure To Burn It"I Ordered

"Yes Boss"The Mens Said And Start Doing Their Works

"Boss Mr Bae Wants To Talk On You In His Office"Eunwoo Said

"Okay Then Lets Go"I Said And We Left

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