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Y/n Pov
Im Now Here In The Room Today Is Our Wedding Day Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n PovIm Now Here In The Room Today Is Our Wedding Day Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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"Y/n Are Sure Your Going To Marry Him"Jungkook Oppa Said Worriedly

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"Y/n Are Sure Your Going To Marry Him"Jungkook Oppa Said Worriedly

"Im Sure Oppa"I Said

"Aish Jungkook Stop It Your Cousin Is Already Grown Up"Auntie Jeon Said

"But Eomma Still"Jungkook Oppa Was Cutted Off By Uncle Jeon

"Jeon Stop Your Cousin Is Already Grown Up And Having A Husband Stop Being Over Protective Now On Her"Uncle Jeon Scolded Him

"Fine"Jungkook Oppa Said

"He Is Just Missing Y/n Thats Why He Is Being Like That"Mom Said

"Well We Couldn't Be Wrong They Treated Each Other Like Siblings And So Close To Each Other So"Dad Said And We Heard A Knock

"Come In"Mom Said And Door Opened Revealing My Friends

"Y/niee!!"Yeji Eonnie Said While Running Towards Me

"Congrats On Your Wedding Girl"Hyunjin Oppa Said While Giving Me A Bouquet

"Thanks"I Said

"Y/nie Here Is My Gift For You Guys"Beomgyu Oppa Said And It Was An Burberry Wine

"You Sure Put Alot On Effort Here"I Said

"Yes Of Course Cause Its My Bestie Birthday You Know"Beomgyu Oppa Said While I Giggle On   Him

"Btw Our Gift Is Already In Your New House Im Sure You Would Love It"Yeji Eonnie Said

"Well Im Sure Is I Cant Wait To Open Your Gifts Cause I Know You Guys Put Alot On Effort On It Like In My Birthdays"I Said

"We Sure Put Alot Effort There Cause Our Besties Occassions Is Very Important To Us"Hyunjin Oppa Said Someone Knock In The Door Again

"Let The Person In"Dad Said And The Door Opened Revealing Our Wedding Coordinator

"Sir The Groom Is Already There The Wedding Will Be Starting In 10 Minutes"The Wedding Coordinator Said

"Okay Then We Will Be There"Mom Said As The Coordinator Nodded

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