26)Your Just Mine

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Y/n Pov
We Arrive At The Company Mens Was Escorting Me For My Safety While People In The Company Start Greeting And Following Me We Rode An Elevator

"So Boss Some Of The Board Directors Are Not Agree On The Infinity"Eunwoo Said

"Give Them What They Want Or If Not Threathened Them That I Will Not Support And Make Sure Their Companies Will Bank Crupt Since Im The Share Holder"I Said

"Okay Copy That"Eunwoo Said The Elevator Ding As The Door Opened We Went Out And Start Walking In My Office Hallway

"Good Morning Boss"They Greeted Eunwoo Phone Rings

"Excuse Me Boss I Will Just Gonna Answer This Call Its One Of Our Business Man In Overseas"Eunwoo Said And Left I Continue Walking As The Guard Open The Door As I Went Inside And Saw Heesung

"Your 5 Minutes Late Mrs Lee"He Said While Smirking Sitting In My Chair

"What Are You Doing Here"I Said

"Nothing Cant I Visit My Lovely Wife's Work On What She Is Doing Or Maybe She Is Hiding Something On Me"He Said

"Just Shut Up And Leave And If Im Hiding Something I Wont Really Going To Tell It On You"I Said He Walk Me With His Evil Smirk

"If You Try To Cheat On Me Then I Will Kill That Guy Cause Your Just Mine"He Said While Holding My Wrist Tightly

"Heesung"I Said He Kiss Me Passionately As I Kiss Him Back The Kiss Was Turn On Make Out He Make Me Sat In My Desk Without Breaking The Kiss When The Door Opened Revealing Eunwoo

"Oh Shit"Eunwoo Curse As I Quickly Push Heesung And Stand Up

"What Is It"I Said Changing The Topic

"The Seventeen Gang Is Now Waiting In The Meeting Room"Eunwoo Said

"Okay Lets Go"I Said And Quickly Left

Heesung Pov
Y/n Just Left I Saw Eunwoo Smirking Proudly

"Was It Good?"He Ask

"Yeah What Do You Think"I Said While Fixing My Self

"I Should Frame Her Up More Often For You"He Said

"You Should Be I Have To Go Now Others Waiting For Me"I Said

"Okay Then Mr Lee"Eunwoo Said I Gave Him A Smirk And Left

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