5)Stop The Car Now

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Heesung Pov
Here I Am On My Mission On Black Mask Gang We Were Checking Them In Every Room And We Found None Of Them Strange I Walk While My Sniper Is With Me

"Hyungs I Found Something In Here"Niki Said

"What Is It Niki"Jungwon Said

"I Dont Know"Niki Said

"Just Open The Bag Dumbass"Sunoo Said And Niki Open The Bag With Some Money

"I Think This Is The One They Took On Us"Sunghoon Said

"Put It In The Car"I Commanded As They Nodded

"Flash Report Black Mask Are Escaping"Jay Said Through The Ear Buds

"Oww..Shit Follow Them"I Said

"We Are Following Them Now Come And Trap Them In xxxx Street I Already Sent The Short Cut"Jake Said

"Shoot!!Lets Go Now"I Said And We Quickly Hop In The Car As The Driver Drove Away

Black Mask Gang Pov
We Are Now Escaping In The Enhypen Since Our Spy Told Us They Know It Already

"Alex Is The Bag We Got On Them With You"Kenneth Said

"What Its Not On Me Its On James"Alex Said

"What??Not On Me I Told You Guys To Get It"I Scolded Them

"We Cant Go Back There Im Sure They Are Already There"Kurt Said And We Saw Three Black Vans Following Us

"Wait Isn't That Our Van"I Said

"What??No Its Not Ours They Are Already In The New Hide Out"Kenneth Said

"Shoot!!Drive Fast"I Said To The Driver When Another 3 Vans Block Us In The Front

"Stop The Car Now"A Fammiliar Voice Wait Heesung?

Heesung Pov

"Stop The Car Now"I Said Angrily While Pointing The Gun On Them As The Otehrs Follow They Went Outside

"Heesung Heesung Heesung"James Said

"Put All Your Guns Now We Surrounded You"Jungwon Said They Put There Guns Down I Quickly Went On James And Quickly Punch His Stomach Make Him Spit Blood When I Saw Someone Grabbing My Neck

"Put Your Guns Down Or The Next Mafia King Will Die"Kenneth Said I Quickly Smirk And Kick His Stomach Using My Elbow And Get The Gun On Him And Shoot Him

"Kenneth"They Said As Their Member Died

"Now You Guys Will Surrender Or Not"I Said While Pointing On Them

"Fine We Will Surrender"They Said

"Good Tie Them They Still Had Some Fun In The Basement"I Said While Smirking Evilly

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