31)My Wife Also Loves Me

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Heesung Pov
I Was Now Arrive In The Hospital I Saw Eunwoo Wait With Seungkwan Hyung And Dino Hyung?What Are They Doing Here?I Went On Them As They Feel My Presence

"How Is Y/n Doing"I Ask

"She Just Got Shooted But She Is Fine The Doctor Is Doing All Their Best"Eunwoo Said

"Heesung Ssi"Seungkwan Hyung Called

"Hyungs?What Are You Guys Doing Here?"I Said

"Well We Are To Take Y/n In The Hospital"Dino Hyung Said

"So You Guys Were With Her"I Said

"Yes Infact We Went On The Mission To Kill Dantae"Seungkwan Hyung Said

"The Red Devils Gang Leader"I Said

"Yes Found Out He The One Who Killed Yujin So We Just Got A Revenge"Dino Hyung Said

"So Y/n Help You On This Mission?"I Said

"Yes She Help Us To Take An Revenge On Your First Love Even Though This Will Little Hurt Her Since She Is Your Wife"Seungkwan Hyung Said

"Gosh I Dont Know This Will Happened"I Said And The Doctor Came Out In The Operating Room

"Lee Y/n's Relatives"The Doctor Said

"Thats Us Doc"Eunwoo Said As Went On Them

"How Is My Wife?Is She Fine Already?"I Ask Her

"Yes She Is Safe Now The Bullet Was Not Too Long To Get It She Is Still Resting You Can Go Now In Her Room"The Doctor Said

"Okay Thanks Doc"I Said

Y/n Pov
I Woke Up And Im In A White Room I Look Around And Saw As Usual Eunwoo Why Would My Husband Care On Me Right?

"Omo!Boss Your Finally Awake"Eunwoo Said I Was About To Move When

"Dont Too Move Your Wound Is Still Fresh"Eunwoo Said As I Nodded I Heard The Door Opened And It Was Heesung With A Bags

"Omo!Y/n Your Finally Awake"He Said And Quickly Hug Me

"Ouch!"I Said As He Broke The Hug

"Sorry I Didn't Mean Though Are You Okay?"He Ask

"I Will Leave Both Of You"Eunwoo Said And Left

"Y/n How Are You"He Ask

"Why Are You Here"I Ask Him Coldly

"Im Here To Take Care On You Y/n I Just Get My Things In The House"He Said

"Just Leave Eunwoo Can Take Care On Me And Dont You Care On Me From The Start"I Said

"Y/n Baby I Care On You"He Said

"Stop Just Leave Heesung Remember We Are Just Usinv Each Other For The Position And We Had An Agreement"I Said

"Y/n Why Are You Like This You Always Ignore Me And Not Talk To Me"He Said

"Dont You Remember This What You Want Right To Act We Are Strangers"I Said To Him

"I Know But I Change For You Because...Because I Love You"He Confessed

"What??You Love Me??"I Said In Disbelief

"Yes From The Start I Was Stoppinv My Self To Fall In Your Traps But I Already Did It Im So Stupid"He Said

"Your Are Not Stupid Heesung You Just Love As I Love You"I Said

"What You Also Love Me?"He Said

"Yes From The Start Heesung"I Said

"Wohoo!!My Wife Also Loves Me"He Said Shouted While Jumping Like A Five Years Old Kid Who Just Got An Candy As I Chuckle On Him

"Come On You Will Disturb The Other Patient Rooms"I Said

"No I Have To Shout This And Celebrate This"He Said As I Chuckle On Him As He Call Someone In Yhe Phone

"Hello Seojun Ordered Alot Of Food For The Patients And Peoples Here In The Hospital I Should Celebrate Cause My Wife Also Loves Me"He Said Happily As I Chuckle On Him
6 Months Later
Y/n Pov
I Was Now Here In The Living Room The Main Door Opened As Usual

"Im Home"Heesung Said Happily As He Went On Me

"Ohh Your Already Home"I Said

"Yes Cause I Miss My Two Babies So How Is Our Baby Boy Doing In Your Tummy"Heesung Ask As He Kiss Me And Kiss My Tummy Okay If You Asking Im 5 Months Pregnant

"He Is Just Fine Loves To Kick"I Said

"I Guess He Wants To Train A Taekwando Like His Mom When He Grow Up"He Said And The Baby Kick

"Ouch!"I Said While Hissing Cause It Hurts

"Aish Did He Kick?Omo!Baby Please Dont Kick Like That You Can Hurt Your Mommy"He Said Talking In The Baby In My Tummy As I Chuckle On Them

The End

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