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Damon's POV

"You're a good friend Damon.." I stop. Looking into her eyes, is she up to something? Does she mean that? Does she really class me as her friend? "Thank you.. For being here. You know.. I can't explain it." She says looking down shyly. "But.. I haven't felt as lonely when you're around." She's actually serious! I smile softly. Wow. She's serious. She really considers me to be her friend.

"You know what.. neither have I." I reply without even thinking about it. I haven't felt as lonely since I've spent time with her.. Even when I'm with someone, when I'm talking to them.. Like Stephan. I still feel lonely because he's not a friend.. I guess she's right.. she kind of is.

She looks down smiling shyly again.. I don't get it. What the hell is wrong with her boyfriend? Can he not see what I see? Do ANY of her friends? I can't seem to work her out. She's so.. different. And she makes me smile too.. not because I've done anything evil to anyone, or tormented Stephan.. but because of her.

"Damon? Are you ok?" She asks concerned. I guess I spaced out just watching her. She's incredible. She's the one who's had such an awful night but she's the one asking me if I'M ok?

Without even thinking about it, my hand places itself on the side of her face, stroking it. "I want you to get everything you're looking for." I say involuntarily. Speaking my mind which for some reason I seem to have no control over when I'm with her. [Image to the side] Her brows furrow, watching my eyes. I meet her gaze, looking into her beautiful brown eyes, my hand still attached to the side of her face like a magnet. It's so quiet.. It feels peaceful. Her eyes, search mine. Her mouth open slightly like she's just as confused as I am.

"I want you to get everything you're looking for too." She replies softly, almost whispering. It's like we're in a trance. Like something's just kind of clicked.. like somehow we've.. in some way.. connected.

"Nah man! Look at it! It's definitely real!" I suddenly zone back in to the real world hearing people walking near us. We both part quickly, looking away from one another. I look across the road to see a group of boys looking down at one of the guys phones. They're all drunk. Just how I wanna be. They turn their heads to look at us. Smirking at Chelsea. "Woah check out the hot chick."

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it was rude to stare!?" I spit."Come-on." I say softly, placing my hand on her back and leading her towards the pub again.

"Aww, scared she's gonna trade you in for a younger model!?" One idiot yells.

"How old are you like nine?" I reply sarcastically, his friends laugh at him and pat him on the back, feeling sorry for him.

He drunkenly comes to a stop, swaying and continues to mouth off. "You know what you're a d*ck."

"I know that." I reply obviously. Duh.

The guy laughs and points. He's obviously a lot more drunk than his friends because they're not finding it funny either. "He just admitted he's a d*ck."

"Shut. Up." I spit. What a weirdo.

"No you shut up." He yells back, stopping me in my tracks.

 I turn to look at him. "You know? If I wanted my own comeback I'd of wiped it off your moms chin." Chelsea gasps and giggles covering her mouth. Making me smirk, my eyes looking down at my side where she's standing but keeping my body turned towards the kids.

All his friends laugh again and begin pulling him away telling him to 'come on.'

"No. No. Get off me. What did you just say to me?!" The lad comes back wanting more. I'm loosing my patience now... I use my vampiric speed to appear in front of him.

"Do this idiot a favour and take him home, before he gets himself killed." I warn his friends sounding bored. They all look at me terrified and begin running, pulling him away. "And tell his mom I said hi!" I yell after them as they continue running for their lives.

I smirk smugly and turn around, jumping slightly to see Chelsea stood infront of me. Her arms are crossed and she's smirking. "Did you really sleep with his mom?" She grins.

"No." I reply simply. "But HE doesn't know that." I smirk making her giggle.

"Come-on." I smile, placing my hand on the small of her back again and leading her to the pub once more.

"You know the way Stephan talks about you.. he makes it sound like your the sort of person who'd of  just killed that guy. Not wind him up."

"I AM that sort of person."

"Really?" She nods. "Then why didn't you kill him?"

"Hello? There are ladies present." I joke making her laugh. "I'm not an animal."

Her face falls like she's thinking... Oh no. STUPID! She thinks I'm calling her an animal!? IDIOT!  "You know that whole 'animal' thing.. I wasn't .."

"I know." She smiles. "I know. I guess I've just been thinking it myself lately.." Just as I'm about to comfort her she interrupts, changing the subject. "So! How long are you planning on staying here for Damon?"

"I don't know." I reply, unknowingly. I don't know how long I'll stay. Maybe I'll just end up killing Stephan and just move on.. Or maybe I'll stick around and torture him, for as long as he lives here.. "But for now, I'm quite happy sticking around.. You-know SOMEONE'S gotta show Stephan how to defend himself when big brothers not around."

"Oh and that's you is it?" She laughs. "You're gonna show him how to DEFEND himself?"

"Ah is that a hint of jealousy in your voice?" I smoulder at her. "I'd be more than happy to show you a few of my tricks." I smirk "You're bedroom or mine?"   she laughs out loud, making a small breathy laugh escape my mouth.

"You're such a flirt !Oh my god!" She laughs.

"I know." I say widening my eyes and smirking at her again.

"And stop doing that!" She giggles.

"What?" I grin. I know what.

"That eye thing you do! It's so.. flirty."

"You mean sexy." I tease doing it once more.

"Stop!" She yells laughing out loud again..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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