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Chelsea's POV

Damon suddenly appears infront of me. Kind of, smiling at me.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I-I don't know." I reply. Wrapping my arms around my body. I DON'T  know where I'm going.

"You wanna come for a drink?"

"I thought you said I should stay away from you."

"I did. But youu don't seem like the sorta person to do what people tell you." He smirks, making me laugh slightly. "I don't know about you but I could do with a drink?" He raises his eyebrows.

I sigh. I shouldn't. I know I shouldn't. Everyone's warned me, even Damon. And everything that happened tonight was BECAUSE I haven't kept away from Damon. But.. why should I? I like him. He seems to be the only one who WANTS to be around me at the minute. And I know he's not supposed to care about anything, but that's a good thing. That means he'll be honest with me, if he thinks I'm in the wrong. "I..think a drink would be great right now."

He smiles, holding out his arm. I smile wrapping my arm around his and we begin walking.

"Your boyfriends a DICK" Damon says simply. I let out a breathy laugh and look down at the pavement below us.

"No. I don't know. He just" I sigh. "Tyler's smart.. about how he goes around things. The little comments, the bitchy little looks he gives me. He does it all the time, but.. Matt never see's it."

"Like I said.." Damon tilts his head to the side, closer to mine. "He's a dick" He whispers. "I heard what that douche said to you."

I look at Damon, who turns to look at me. "And he's and even BIGGER dick." That does make me laugh. "If you ask me, you went easy on him. I'd of ripped his head off."

"I wanted to. Believe me. The scary thing is.. If Matt never walked in when he did I.. I think I would of done it." I confide.

"He's of deserved it." Damon comforts me. I smile and so does he.

"I like you." I tell him simply. He smirks.

"You know. I like you too."  We laugh. "I'm sorry.." He says, I look at him confused. "About what I did to your friend today."

"Damon Salvatore apologising?" I tease making him laugh.

"Let's just say I'm in a bad mood." He jokes doing that eye thing he does, making us giggle again.

"Well she over reacted. I think I'd of done the same thing if someone did that to me." Damon smiles. ... "Thank you" I say softly.

Damon looks at me, his eyebrows furrowing. "What for?"

"I heard what everyone was saying when I left. I heard what you said. To Matt. And to Tyler." He looks at me, a soft smile forming on his face. "I-I'm not saying you care about me, I just. I liked what you said." I add quickly.

Damon smiles slightly, his eyes darting about. "I.. might not care about anything but.. It still makes me angry when they treat you like they did." I smile at him. He's kinda.. sweet.

"They just think I'm over reacting all the time, I know you don't care about anything so, can I trust you? To tell me the truth?"


"Do you think I over reacted?"

"No. Not in the slightest" He says quickly. "The only ones who over reacted were your 'so called friends' I still can't believe Stephan just stood there. I heard what he said so Stephan must of heard him."

"Tyler's best friends with Stephan too, I get why he wouldn't want to say anything."

"Well I don't. I don't understand why your friends with them. They don't understand you. They don't listen to you. You get the blame all the time and they don't seem to care about your feelings.."

"They're all I have." I say softly. Damon looks at me intensely.

"I think you should leave him."He says out of the blue.

"What?" I laugh confused.

"I think you should leave him. He doesn't deserve you. He should be the one here right now, rushing after you and trying to apologise to you but he's not. I am. He's not what you want."

"Oh really?" I stand still and Damon turns to face me. "So Damon.. Tell me.. what is it that I want?" I reply, playing along.

"You want what everybody wants.. You want a love that consumes you." He says stepping closer and closer to me. "You want passion. And adventure.." He stops infront of me. "And even a little danger." He does that eye thing again and smirks. How does he know what I want? Even I didn't know how much I wanted all of those things.

I look at him for a moment. How does he do that? How can he see that that's what I want? 'You want what EVERYBODY wants'

"You said what everybody wants." I say stepping closer to him. "Is that what you want?"

"We all know how relationships end. You end up hating each other."

"You say that like ALL relationships are doomed to end." I reply.

"I'm a fatalist." He smirks, slightly.

"But when it's real, you can't walk away."

"Is that how you feel? About him?" He asks curiously.

I sigh and intertwine my arm around his as we continue walking. He keeps his head slightly over to my side, listening to me. "I love him.. I just. I don't think I'm IN love with him. I mean If I was, then.. I'd just KNOW right?" I ask.

"I think. If your in love with someone, you'd feel it, in every inch of your body. I think when you see them, your heart would race no matter how long you'd been with them. I think that you'd think about them every second of every day. When your having a bad day, they're the only thing you look forward to seeing. When you see them, they make every miserable second of your life, worth while.." He stops talking suddenly, his eyes dart about like he never meant to open up that much.

"Are you talking about Katherine?" I ask delicately. His brows furrow.

"Actually, no. For the first time, she's not even in the back of my mind." He reply's then turns to look at me, intensely. "Did that make you think about Matt?" His eyes squint slightly, waiting for my answer.

My eyes look into his. ..."N..No." I say slowly, confused. I guess now I know I'm not IN love with him. ..."Is that bad? SHOULD I be IN love with him? Should I end it? Should you only be in a relationship if you're in love with someone? What do I do? Do I finish it.. God. I'm so confused."

"I think you should finish it." He keeps his intense gaze. "But not because you're not in love with him. People in relationships aren't always IN love.. I think you should end it because he doesn't understand you. He doesn't listen to you and he should be on YOUR side, no one elses."

I don't get it. What's going on with him? He's not AT ALL like people say he is. He's so.. understanding and.. he listens and gives me advice even though he doesn't care. I've only known him for five minutes and already he seems like he's my best friend. Someone I can tell anything and be myself around. I stan

"You seem to be on my side alot since you've been here." I finally say. "You're a good friend Damon." Damons eyes dart about for a moment as he looks at me like he's trying to figure me out. "Thank you.. For being here. I don't feel as lonely when you're around."

"You know what.. neither have I" He smiles.

I Promise..   [A Damon Salvatore Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now