Retail Therapy..

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Chelsea's POV

The next day..

I move my bag off the passenger seat and place it around the back of my seat as Becca gets in the front and Suesanna in the back.


"Hey." I smile.

"I'm so excited, I really need a shopping spree. And I can't wait till we pick out our dresses." Becca grins making me and Suesanna giggle.  

"I saw a beautiful one online last night."

"You going to get it?" Becca asks as they talk between each other while I drive.

"No. It was beautiful but I couldn't see myself in it. YOU on the other hand.." Suesanna places her hand on my shoulder.


"Yeah, honestly when you see it you'll know what I mean. It's so you. None of us could carry that off. We don't have 'the merchandise.'" She reply's making me laugh.

"HEY! Speak for yourself" Becca laughs.

"What? It's true." Suesanna giggles. "You need an ass and breasts to wear it! You know we're not as 'BLESSED' in that department."

"Ok. Can we stop talking about 'MY MERCHANDISE' now" I laugh.

"Seriously. You HAVE to get it! It's amazing.. Matt will be foaming at the mouth" She sings her and Becca laugh out loud, making me giggle at them.

"Ok. I get it. I'll have a look." I reply, inbetween giggles.

It goes quiet for a moment. "Soo.. Speaking of MATT.. you guys ok now?" Becca asks delicately.

"I.. I don't know. I mean yeah I guess, I just.. I'd rather forget about it." I say softly. It goes quiet again for a second.

"I wonder if him and Jeremy are ok now." She says innocently to Suesanna.

"Matt and Jeremy? What do you mean?" I ask confused, turning to look at her quickly, before looking back at the road.

"Oh. You didn't know?"

"Didn't Matt tell you? Or Stephan? I thought Stephan came round to practice last night?" Suesanna adds.

"Tell me what?" I quickly reply. It goes quiet for a moment. I glance at them both inbetween driving.

"THEYY, KINDAA got in a fight."


"Not a FIGHT fight. An arguement."

"Why? When?"

"Yesterday.. After you left... Jeremy was pissed at him for what he said to you."

It goes quiet again. None of us really knowing what to say next. But it makes me smile slightly, knowing Jeremy cares about me enough to argue with his best friend.

"So DID Stephan come around last night?"

"No. We had a bit of a falling out.. I'm assuming you know about me talking to Damon?" I say dryly.

"Yeah, we kinda heard Stephan tell Matt. I mean I can understand where Matt's coming from. You left and ran to Damon?"

"I didn't run to Damon at all. I've already explained this to Matt. I was driving and I needed to pull over. I didn't know I was outside his house until Damon came to my car."

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