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Draco. Pov

I sighed and looked at my broom. "I shouldn't have said that.", I scolded myself and went inside there was no trace of Y/N. As I walked into the living room I heard the front door close. I quickly hid my broom when my father walked in. "Good morning Draco.", he said and walked past me before I could even say something. Ever since I told him I befriended Y/N he seems to be distant and cold towards me and mother.

I walked upstairs and entered my room. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep only to be woken up by my mother. "We need to talk.", she said and I could sense she wasn't happy.

"You can be glad that your father does not know this Draco!", she hissed, disappointed. "I can't believe Y/N told on me.", I said and crossed my arms. "She didn't. She just told me how she got on the team after you told her that she got onto the team because she's a Potter.".

I sat there and didn't know what to say.

"You can be glad she was there Draco! Because if she hadn't been there you probably would have been dead by now.", she sniffed. "I'm sorry mother...", I apologized. "Don't you think you should apologize to Y/N? You hurt her feelings Draco.", my mother said and I knew she was right.

"She should be in the kitchen.", my mother said and left the room. I immediately walked downstairs and to the kitchen. I saw her sitting in front of the window staring outside. I approached her and sat down next to her on the ground. She was sipping her tea not acknowledging me at all.

"Hey...", I said. "Hi.", she replied. "I uh... I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. I don't know what went through my head.", I said and she did not respond. "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to tell you that you got onto the team because you're a Potter. I just...", I said and she turned her face towards me. I was shocked when I saw the side of her face, it was blue and swollen. "OH GOD... Y/N I'M SORRY. I didn't mean to hurt you like that.", I said and slightly touched her head. She hissed and turned away. "Ow...", she said and held her side. "It's okay Draco.", she said and still held her face in her hand. I looked around for something that mother always used on me when I was younger. I opened the freezer and found what I was looking for. "Here.", I said and handed her a cold ice pack. She looked at me confused. "I thought by living under muggles you would know what that is.", I laughed. " Do you really think my aunt and uncle cared if Harry or I were injured or had bruises?", she asked and I could sense the sadness in her voice. I sat down next to her again and carefully put the ice pack on her bruise. "It's cold...", she said. "It needs to be cold so the bruise can heal and the swelling will go back.", I explained and watched her. She slowly grabbed the pack to hold it herself.

Normal pov.

It felt nice having the pack against my forehead. Indeed uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia never really cared about any bruise or injury we had. Even with a broken wrist that I once had, I still had to do work for about three days until the school nurse sent me to the hospital. The only thing I can remember about that is that Dudley got scolded because he was the reason why my wrist was broken in the first place.

I glanced over at Draco and saw guilt written on his face. I leaned on his shoulder while looking outside. "Stop making a sad face you idiot.", I mocked him and he looked down at me smiling. "You will regret that Y/N.", he laughed and began tickling me. I laughed like a maniac and threw the ice pack at Draco trying to defend myself from his hands. "I see your face is feeling better?", he asked and put the pack back in the freezer.

Suddenly there were plates on the table and dinner appeared. I stood up from the ground and walked up to Draco and once I reached him his father entered the kitchen followed by his mother." What happened to your face?!", Mr Malfoy asked, shocked. "Draco and I were just playing and he accidentally hit me.", I said, smiling at Draco. "Did you put ice on it?", he asked and inspected my face carefully. "Draco gave me some and he just put it back because I'm feeling better.", I replied. He nodded approvingly at Draco and told us to sit down. Once I did they began to talk about Hogwarts. "Well if you don't keep up with your grades Draco you won't pass.", his mother said. "I passed and also all the teachers favored Granger.", he pouted. "Maybe because she's trying very hard and is always raising her hand at every question?", I said and looked at him. "She even beat me in all the exams!", Draco exhaled and now his father began to speak. "It's a disgrace that a mudblood is better than you Draco!", he spat. I felt Draco stare at me. He knew I didn't like it when someone talked about her like that and I almost stared his father for that if he hadn't kicked me under the table. "Sir. To defend your son she was better than everyone else. She has straight A's at everything.", I said and looked up at him with innocent eyes. "Well Mrs Potter, how were your exams?", he asked and I gulped. "Well I mostly had B's except from potions where I had a C. ''. "Well Draco only had C's, except for potions where he got an A.", he said and stared at his son who was feeling rather uncomfortable.

After that it was awfully quiet at the table and Draco and I were the first to finish and leave. We both walked up to his room and sat down. "Is he always like that?", I asked and pointed behind me at the closed door. He just nodded. "Is everything alright?", I asked, concerned and sat down next to him on his bed. "I know you hate it when someone talks like that about your friends and I'm sorry that father did.", he said. "I appreciate it that you apologize for him, Draco but I can't change the way your father talks about my friends. He probably would talk about me as well since my mom was a muggle born witch at least that's what Hagrid told me.", I said and patted his shoulder.

The next day everything was actually pretty boring. It rained the whole day meaning Draco and I couldn't play some Quidditch. We played hide and seek inside but quickly grew tired since he always found me. Well it's his house after all.

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