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I woke up the next morning wrapped in someone's arms. I took in the scent of a nice cologne, apples and mint. Immediately I knew that it was Draco who held me and I snuggled further into his arms. I heard him sigh and looked up at him. He was already awake and smiled down at me. "Good morning love...", he said and kissed my forehead. "Good morning... Did you sleep in here?", I asked and sat up. He nodded. "Well... I should go and change since we have class in two hours and we should get something to eat.", he said and left the room. I quickly changed and brushed through my hair. I left my room and immediately bumped into Draco. He smiled down at me and we both walked to the great hall to get some breakfast. After that we went to DADA.

We waited for Lupin, which was pretty new. Suddenly the doors swung open and Snape walked in waving his wand at the windows so the blinds would close.

He instructed us to turn to a page about werewolves in our book. Since the boggart incident I wasn't really participating in Dada. I just sat there and listened to the others complain about how we haven't even covered Red caps. Hermione explained what a werewolf is and I heard Draco howl next to me and he turned around facing me with a smile. His smile faded however when he saw that I wasn't really amused.

Gryffindor lost 10 points that lesson and when I looked around all of the students except for some Slytherins were glaring at Snape.I

Weeks passed and finally there was snow. Another Hogsmeade weekend was approaching. Draco spent the last two weekends with me at the castle and I told him to join Crabbe and Goyle today which he actually did. Harry and I had a plan on how to sneak into Hogsmeade by using our invisibility cloaks but Fred and George caught us. They gave us a map which showed everyone in Hogwarts and every way out of Hogwarts.

Harry and I eventually agreed that we will be taking one of the secret passages to Hogsmeade.

We did and entered the basement of Honeydukes. Harry and I slowly walked upstairs and were stunned by the scent and all the sweets. "This is awesome!", I whispered as we walked through the rows of shelves.

Finding Ron and Hermione was harder than expected. We walked around Hogsmeade until we came to the shrieking shack. There they were surrounded by Malfoy and the boys.

I felt like I had to run as I saw them and I did after Harry threw snowballs at them. I hurled myself back downstairs in Honeydukes and ran down the passage Harry and I had walked through just hours ago. I crawled out of the secret passage and had to catch my breath. I quickly tucked my cloak under my shirt and began to walk towards the common room when I heard yelling behind me.

"How dare them! I thought she was my friend and now she and her brother did this to me?!", I heard Draco yell to himself. I turned around a corner and he just ran into me, sending me flying to the ground. "CAN'T YOU WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING?!", he yelled at me and didn't even notice that it was me on the ground. "Draco...", I whispered and held my wrist flinching as I tried to put some weight on it. He turned around when he heard my voice. His gaze immediately fell down on me and his eyes widened.

"Oh shit... Y/N... I'm so sorry I... I was in a rush....", he apologized. Seems like he now thinks I wasn't in Hogsmeade at all.

"Does it hurt?", he asked. "No.... Well of course it hurts you idiot...", I hissed as he tried to turn my hand. "I'll get you to Madame Pomfrey.", he said and picked me up swiftly even though I could walk by myself. He set me down on one of the beds and rushed over to Madame Pomfrey. She immediately went to get that juice I had to drink last year to mend my bones. It still tasted like shit. She bandaged my arm and told me to rest but I was free to go since there was a student with quite serious flu inside the hospital wing.

As I returned to the common room I noticed that Crabbe and Goyle were missing but guessed they must have already gone downstairs for dinner. As I entered my room I quickly removed my cloak from under my shirt and left my room again. As I went to get dinner Harry, Ron and Hermione caught me. They were shocked to see my broken wrist and even though I told them it's alright Harry seemed to be more nervous than ever. He pulled me to the side and took a deep breath.

"I've got to tell you something Y/N.", he began.

"You know Sirius Black is the one who got our parents killed right?", he asked and I nodded.

"Well I just happen to now know that he is my godfather....", he said. "Wouldn't that make him my godfather as well?", I asked, confused. "I overheard the minister and McGonagall talking. You have another one of your own and it's ....", he said and suddenly we were interrupted by Snape pulling us out of the corner we stood in. "Would the two Potters get to their seats.", he said in a monotone voice and held Harry by his collar while holding me by my arm. He let Harry go and shoved him in his seat while gently pushing me towards my own table.

I felt eyes burning holes into the side of my head the whole dinner but I had different things to think about now. Sirius Black... Harry's godfather.... How is that even possible?! And I have another one.... I...

Draco Pov.

After I left for dinner without Y/N because she had to get something done in her dorm first I sat down next to the boys. My eyes were scanning the hall for Potter, by Potter I obviously mean her annoying brother Harry and not my Y/n/n. As I found him I also saw Y/N. She was pulled to the side by him and I could see how her happy face turned sad, angry and confused until Professor Snape pulled them towards their seats.

She didn't talk the whole dinner. She looked like someone had given her some news she didn't want to hear. Potter probably told her about Hogsmeade today and how great it was. Pfff... If I ever have the chance to get my revenge I will.

Now she sits in the common room in front of the fire. Her gaze never leaves the dancing flames. I heard her murmur under her breath.

Suddenly she turned around to me. "Draco... I have to tell you something...", she said and pulled me down next to her.

"You know that Sirius is out there right.... And that he's out for me and Harry.... Well I just got to know that he also is Harry's godfather....", she sighed.

"You didn't know? Dumbledore didn't tell you and Harry?", I asked, confused. Almost everyone knew that Black was their godfather except for them?

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