Chapter Two: Present Day

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Marco took a deep breath as he prepared for yet another blind date that one of his team-mates had set him up on, he didn’t want to go but it was too late to cancel now.

It had been five years since Sansa had ended things with him and Marco still had no idea what had happened but he hadn’t seen her since.

Marco’s life had changed so much since that terrible day, he had moved back to his boyhood club Borussia Dortmund and things couldn’t have been much better for him career wise; his private life however had never recovered.

Marco’s parents were worried about him, they didn’t know or understand why Sansa had ended things the way that she had and they disliked the blonde for how much their son had suffered after she had ended things.

“Are you nearly ready?” Mats Hummel asked popping his head inside, he was sure that this date would go better than the last few; Marco was just being picky about the women that he dated.

Mats was a little concerned that his friend was waiting for Sansa to come back, something that clearly wasn’t going to happen; Marco needed to move on and it was going to have to happen sooner or later.

“Marco,” Mats murmured shaking his head, he could see that his friend didn’t want to go on this date but he was sure that it would be good for him; they picked out a good person this time.

Mats felt like he owed Marco since the younger man had helped him meet Cathy, he loved his girlfriend and he didn’t care that she had been close friends with Sansa at one point.

Cathy refused to tell Mats what had happened the night that Sansa had broken things off with Marco; she had only ever told him that it wasn’t her story to tell.

Mats felt there was more to the story and he hadn’t told Marco but he knew that Cathy spoke to Sansa a lot, he didn’t want to upset his friend anymore about what had happened.


Marco gritted his teeth looking across the table at the model that he’d been set up with, he couldn’t remember her name and knew that he didn’t like her; she had spent the last twenty minutes talking about herself.

Marco wanted to get up and leave, he wanted to walk away and pretend this never happened but he knew that he’d never hear the end of it from his team-mates if he did.

Looking down at his menu, Marco tried to drown out the talk from his date; he wanted nothing more than to go home and enjoy an evening playing his X-box which was what he had planned before the date was dropped on him without warning.

“Guten abend, I’m Sansa and I’ll be your waitress this evening,” said a voice making Marco’s heart stop, he wondered for a moment if he was imagining this moment; he slowly moved to look at the waitress at his table.

Marco’s stomach dropped as his thoughts were confirmed, he had tried to contact Sansa for years without any success and he had been to her parents’ house more times than he could count in an attempt to speak with her.

“I’ll have the puy lentil, parsnip and walnut salad… no nuts, no oil and no vinegar,” Marco’s date ordered while he continued to stare at Sansa, she looked tired and a little overworked; he couldn’t believe that she was standing before him.

Sansa nodded her head and jotted down the order, she could tell the woman’s date was staring at her and she hadn’t like it; she was working and she didn’t want any trouble since she needed this job.

Looking up to take the man’s order, Sansa felt her stomach turn and she wanted to run away when she saw who it was; this was the first time that she had seen Marco since she’d ended things.

“Sansa,” Marco whimpered looking at the woman that had broken his heart, he couldn’t believe this and wondered why she was working as a waitress; she had been in university when he had last seen her.

Marco wanted to reach out and touch her, he had never thought this would happen and he had so many questions that needed answering and he could finally get them answered.

Sansa opened and closed her mouth for a moment, she knew that Marco had every right to move on after what happened; she wanted to be happy but she hadn’t expected to see him again.

“Excuse me,” Sansa whispered backing away from the table, this wasn’t the way that things should happen; she had done her best to move on after what had happened to her.

Marco was confused at the fear in Sansa’s green eyes, she had never had any reason to be scared of him and he wished that he knew what was going on.

Marco watched her hurry away from him, he moved to stand up before remembering that he was on a date; he looked at the model across from him who looked confused at what had happened.

Sitting back down and Marco took a deep breath, he looked to where Sansa had disappeared and felt his heart pounding in his chest like it did when they had dated.

Marco wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers again, he wanted answers about why she had ended things the way that she had; he wanted to talk to Sansa and work things out.

Marco hated that she had pushed him away and he had pleaded Cathy for months to tell him what had happened; he knew it was something serious for Sansa to end things over the phone in tears.


Hurrying into the apartment that Sansa shared with her Aunt Leila, she swallowed back her tears knowing that she should have known that she would one day see Marco again; he was everywhere nowadays.

Sansa had left her shift at the restaurant early claiming that she was feeling ill after she had seen Marco and his model on their date, her boss had taken pity on her and let her leave and she was glad to be home without seeing Marco again.

“Sansa?” Aunt Leila asked looking up from her book, she frowned turning to look at her niece and wondered what she was doing home; she wasn’t meant to be home until late and it worried her.

Aunt Leila had taken Sansa in after Sansa’s parents had thrown her out and disowned her after what had happened; she hated her sister and brother-in-law for what they had done especially when Sansa had been so brave after what had happened to her.

“Marco was at the restaurant,” Sansa whimpered setting her bag and coat down, she knew that she was being stupid and she had no right to cry over what happened when she had been the one to end things.

Sansa hated that she had hurt Marco, she had thought that she was doing the right thing after what Connor had done to her; she thought that she wasn’t good enough for Marco after having another man inside of her.

Aunt Leila sighed and got to her feet, she wished that she could do something to take all of Sansa’s pain away; she wanted her niece to be happy and that she could see how strong she was.

Aunt Leila pulled Sansa into a hug before Sansa’s bedroom door opened, a little boy stepped out and rubbed his eyes tiredly; he had heard his mother’s voice and had gotten up.

“Mama,” Finnegan Liam Farber murmured toddling over to his mother, he was the best thing that had happened to Sansa in the last five years and her biggest kept secret.

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