Chapter Sixteen: Bonding with Finn

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Finn pouted as he plopped down on the couch while his mother let the district nurse out of the house, his incision was healing nicely and he would be starting his chemo in a couple of days after it had been delayed.

Sansa had done her best to keep things as normal as possible for her son, but that was proving difficult with everyone now knowing that she was dating Marco again; everyone wanted pictures of the little boy at the centre.

Marco and Sansa had done their best to shield Finn from the press and the news that now surrounded them, they had been right to think that it wouldn't have been long before they dragged up Sansa's rape at the hands of Connor Stewart.

Lucky they had been able to keep that news away from Finn, neither of them wanted him to find out that Connor had been the man that had fathered him.

Marco stepped into the living room stretching as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he had played in a last match of the season the day before against SV Werder Bremen and he was glad that it was over since it had been a difficult one.

"Guten Morgen," Marco greeted sitting down on the couch, he peeked over at Finn knowing that his offer still stood with Sansa about adopting the little boy and he wasn't going to be changing his mind.

Marco wanted to be Finn's father and he hoped that his girlfriend would consider it, he wanted to put to rest all the news that Connor was the little boy's father.

"Guten Tag," Finn replied peeking at the footballer, it was late afternoon now and he was surprised how long Marco had managed to sleep with everything that had been going on.

Marco furrowed his brow and looked to the clock only to find that Finn was right, he made a small noise before peeking at the television that was stuck on some kids show.

"So it is," Marco mused closing his eyes, he was still tired and he was hoping to get some rest before internationals started; he was going to have two matches in June with the team and he wanted to be relaxed for them.

Sansa stepped back into the house and sighed, she had been so worried when they had pushed back Finn's chemo because they didn't wish to upset the healing of his incision but they had finally set a date and it wasn't going to be easy.

Marco opened his eyes and looked at Sansa, she looked exhausted and he knew that she deserved a break; she was looking after Finn and he hadn't been much help with matches every couple of days but that was going to change now.

Sansa disappeared into the kitchen making Marco get to his feet and follow after her, he peeked at Finn who was watching television knowing that he had to do something before Sansa run herself into the ground.

"Why don't you go and take a name?" Marco suggested watching Sansa potter around the kitchen, he leant against the door frame watching her and he wished that she would slow down.

Finn was doing fine right now and he was going to be okay, Marco would ensure that but he didn't want Sansa worrying herself over things that she couldn't control.

"You need to rest Sansa... you're no good to Finn like this," Marco murmured walking over to his girlfriend, he could see the bags under her eyes and he hated that she was suffering and he wished that she would let him help more.

Marco wrapped his arms around Sansa before murmuring that he could watch Finn for a couple of hours, he doubted that it could be hard watching the little boy.

Sansa nodded her head, she was sure that things would be okay for a little while especially since she hadn't been sleeping right recently.


Marco and Finn sat in silence as they watched television, it had been a couple of hours since Marco had convinced Sansa to go and have a much needed nap; the two had never really been alone like this before.

Marco peeked over at the four year old, he knew that this was a little awkward but it had to be done; there had to be something that the two of them could bond over right now.

"Are you hungry?" Marco asked softly, he doubted that Sansa would be waking up anytime soon and he didn't want to wake her just to cook for them; he was sure he could make something simple for dinner.

Finn looked up surprised that Marco had spoken, he nodded his head a little watching the footballer curious about what he would do next.

"How do you feel about some bacon sandwiches?" Marco offered knowing that Sansa had picked up some bacon when she went shopping yesterday; he was sure that he could handle some bacon without waking Sansa up.

Finn nodded his head, his mother had been keeping an eye on his eating since his stomach was a little sensitive after his operation but bacon sandwiches were okay for him to have and he was sure Marco knew that.

Marco nodded his head with a smile before he climbed off the couch and padded over to the kitchen, he wasn't going to make a big mess when he knew that Sansa had just cleaned.

Marco collected everything that he needed before he started to make the sandwiches, his own stomach grumbled as he thought about everything that had happened recently; he hoped that everything would bet better soon since they'd had enough bad luck.

Sansa and Finn were his family now and nothing not even his parents would convince him to walk away from them; Marco was happy and if they couldn't respect that then he didn't want anything to do with them until they could be happy for him.


Finn bunched on his sandwich happily while Marco sat across from him at the table, they had taken to talking about football and Marco was glad that they had something to talk about.

Marco felt able to ignore everything else when he was with Finn and it didn't bother him that he was technically another man's son; it wouldn't be for much longer and he knew that this was going to be something that he pushed for.

"Maybe you can come to one of my matches when the season starts up," Marco said smiling at Finn as the little boy's face lit up, he was happy to hear that Finn was a Dortmund fan and he was sure Sansa would be okay with the idea of him coming to a match.

Finn was going to have a hard enough time when his chemo started, he would have twelve weeks of sessions with a scan in the middle to make sure that the chemotherapy was working on his cancer.

"Really?" Finn asked excitedly, he had always wanted to go to a match at the Westfalenstadion but his mother had always refused because they couldn't afford to buy tickets; he had always watched his favourite team on television when he had the chance and if a match wasn't on too late.

"Of course... I'll even introduce you to everyone," Marco replied with a smile, he knew he'd have to talk it through with Sansa but he was sure that it would be okay.

Finn was going through a rough time with everything and Marco knew that meeting his idols would be perfect for him; he deserved something good while he was having chemo and everything.

Sansa watched Marco and Finn together with a small smile on her face, she was happy to see her boys bonding and it did make her consider Marco's plea to adopt Finn. 

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