Chapter Thirty-Five: I Miss You

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"I miss you," Sansa murmured down the phone to Marco, he hadn't been gone more than a couple of days and she wasn't entirely used to him not being around; she knew that he was playing for his country but she wanted him to come home. 

Finn had been so well behaved since Marco had gone to France, Sansa honestly didn't know what she would have done if he had been acting out in response to Marco not being home. 

It was hard enough being nearly thirty-one weeks pregnant, Sansa couldn't imagine how she was going to cope if Germany made it all the way to the final; she would be forced to stay at home to watch the match while Finn and Marco's parents went to France. 

"I miss you too," Marco reassured, he didn't like the distance either but there was little that he could do about it; he wanted to compete for his country, he was just going to have to deal with not seeing his fiancée for at least a couple of weeks. 

Sansa chewed on her lip, she didn't like making him feel guilty and she knew that if he could be home right now with her then Marco would be; she was just going to have to get used to this. 

"How was training?" Sansa asked knowing that his opening match was coming up, she wished that she could be there to support him but she didn't want to risk the flight while she was heavily pregnant. 

It wasn't long now until she was due to give birth, Sansa was sure that it would be so different compared to the first time; she had been practically alone when she'd given birth to Finn and she wasn't going to go through that again. 

Listening to Marco talk about his day, Sansa felt a little better about him being so far away from her; she wanted him to be happy and she was sure that Germany would do well in the Euros, she was looking forward to watching him play.


"Did you speak with Marco?" Catherine asked setting down a drink in front of Sansa, she was thrilled that her daughter had come to spend time with her and she got to spoil her grandson for a while. 

Things had slowly started to improve in their relationship since they had talked things through, Catherine would never forgive her sister for what she had done and she was just happy that she got to be there for Sansa now. 

Sansa nodded her head, it still felt a little weird when she spoke with parents but it was getting easier and they were moving on from what Leila had done to them. 

"He's excited about playing," Sansa revealed knowing how much Marco had hated missing out on the world cup because of injury, she just couldn't wait to see him do well with Germany. 

The couple were talking every day and Sansa was doing her best to not make Marco feel guilty about being away from her; she was doing her best to deal with this and she was thankful that she had her parents to help her. 

"I'm sure that he'll be fine," Catherine comforted wanting to help in some way, she knew that things were tense right now in France; no one knew what was going to happen especially after the terrorist attack last year that had killed over a hundred people. 

"I just miss him," Sansa mumbled looking down at her drink, she hated to be a burden and she just prayed that Marco would come home safe; she wished that she would be able to just be there and to support him. 

The last thing that Sansa wanted was to be a distraction, Macro needed to focus on his game if he wanted to play any of the matches. 

Catherine sighed, she was happy that Sansa's life seemed to be back on track; her daughter had shut down after what Connor had done to her and she would never forget how broken she had been.

"I am sure he misses you, Finn and bump just as much," Catherine said confidently, she had seen how Marco was when it came to Sansa and she doubted that he wasn't finding it hard to be away from her. 

The couple were expecting a little boy in a matter of weeks and Catherine didn't doubt that Marco would want to be there when he was born; she couldn't wait to have another grandson to spoil. 

"Mama... look what PopPop and I did," Finn shouted rushing into the kitchen, a massive smile on his face at the fact that he got to spend time with Edward and Catherine. 

Edward had insisted that he got to spend the afternoon with his grandson before Catherine showed him any of the cookies that she had made; he knew how quickly she would steal his time from him. 

"It's wonderful sweetheart," Catherine gushed fussing over Finn, she had never thought that she would get the chance to ever see her grandson let alone spend time with him. 

Sansa smiled brushing her fingers through Finn's hair, he was wearing his favourite jumper which had been a gift from Catherine when she had first met him.

It was still strange to think how well things were working out for them, they hadn't heard from Leila since they had confronted her with what she had done and they all hoped that they would never have to deal with her again. 

"Would you like some cookies to share with PopPop?" Catherine asked smiling down at Finn as he handed her the picture that he had painted so it could be stuck to the fridge; there were loads of them there now and to Sansa they looked so odd compared to the immaculate kitchen around them. 

"Yes please Nonna," Finn said politely with a cheeky smile, he waited patiently as Catherine got them for him before he scampered off to join Edward back into the living room.


Brushing his fingers through his hair, Marco sighed staring down at the picture of Finn and Sansa that he had brought with him; it was strange not seeing them and he hoped that he would be able to see them soon. 

Marco felt horrible that he wasn't able to be there to look after Sansa, he wanted to make the last few weeks of her pregnancy comfortable and he wanted to share in it with it. 

"Are you coming down to dinner?" Mario asked pulling on his jacket, he knew that his friend was struggling with being away from Sansa; he was sure that it would get better with time. 

Marco nodded his head and set the picture down, he pulled on his shoes before following Mario out of their hotel room; he was starving and he knew that he had to be his best if he wanted to play any of the matches. 

Heading down in the elevator, Marco wondered what Sansa and Finn would be having for dinner; he knew that Catherine and Edward had insisted that they join them for dinner so he was sure they'd be eating well. 

The doors to the elevator opened and Marco stared at the figure that was on the other side, his stomach dropped and he had no idea what she was doing here. 

"Carolin?" Marco whispered feeling ill, he hadn't seen her in years and he had no idea what she was doing here, the last time that he had seen Carolin was when he had started dating Sansa the first time. 

There was once upon a time that Marco had considered asking Carolin out but had decided to ask Sansa out instead; Carolin had moved away and he had never really looked back. 

"Hallo Marco," Carolin Bohs greeted peeking up at the one that she had let get away, she couldn't believe that she had bumped into Marco like this.

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