Airing dirty laundry

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"You're playing with Pandora's box. Sometimes it's better not to open it. Sometimes, it's better not to know." Tatiana de Rosnay

Alex was glad to get to work, and after getting a short overview of what she needed, she decided to call Garcia.

"Oh hi!" the other woman greeted her, smiling through the screen. "How are you?"

Smiling back, Alex shuffled through the papers on the desk. "Alright so far, how about you? How was your date?"

She could see the blush even through the video. Clearing her throat, Garcia started twirling a lock of hair around her pen.

"Very very good," she said, her eyes drifting away a little. "I'll tell you sometime else, promise. How are things in New York?"

Alex chuckled, gesturing around. "Loud, as you'd expect. Listen, I wanted to ask if you could start on background checks for the..."

"Victims? Already done that, it's in your inbox," Garcia answered before Alex could finish. Raising her brows, the blonde nodded.

"Sometimes I forget how good you are. Could you also see what you find about the families? Something about them being placed in their homes like that...I don't know, rubs me the wrong way."

Garcia started typing away. "Consider it done, my second favorite blonde."

The connection was cut before she could ask who came before her. "You beat me, don't you?" she turned to JJ, who only raised her brows in feigned innocence.

"Don't know what you're talking about."

Alex shook her head good-heartedly and started her own research. A noise from JJ made her look up to find the other woman staring at the screen in disgust.

"You're looking into Garcia's results?"

JJ nodded, and Alex moved closer to look at the other screen. "Oh wow, he was a...horrible person?"

A nod from JJ confirmed her suspicion.

"Alcohol, abuse, shipped off to an expensive college...he did not win dad of the year. That's Hover, our second victim."

"No charges, what's new," Alex mumbled, reading some more paragraphs, "The daughter certainly didn't hold back to air that dirty laundry."

JJ shook her head. "No, but it's...more or less private. No one would've found this online diary. It's not her real name, no relation can be made if you don't know how to look for the clues. Only a handful of internet strangers saw this. Ever."

Reid, who had been busy behind them, leaned over their shoulders, taking in the damage.

"Sounds like a lovely parent," he commented, "Certainly explains the way his body has been exposed after death. It's almost like someone wanted to make him pay."

Alex hummed. This did make a lot of sense. "Does something like this exist for the other daughters?"

Shaking her head, JJ opened the rest of the documents.

"No, but their daughters are still in contact. Hover's daughter dropped out of his life, apparently," she said.

"Could still mean they were terrible fathers. Maybe that's something they also have in common?" Alex asked, looking at the two profilers. Reid nodded. "Yeah, I will write it on the board."

Humming, Alex returned to her own screen.

"I will see what I can find in our database. Sometimes we leave notes if diplomats acted out on galas or something like this."

And If I Fall, Let Me Part II: After The Rain - A. Hotchner x OC & JemilyWhere stories live. Discover now