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"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." Oscar Wilde

"It's hard to say who's more nervous," Alex chuckled, leaning into his side, "But no need for any getaway car, they're both very sure of what they're doing."

Hotch snorted and looked around the small chapel. "They better be, it's not every day we all get to wear our tuxes."

Looking over to Reid, Tyler, and Morgan, the blonde nodded. "I will forever be thankful for that."

Amusement on his face, he raised an eyebrow. Alex rolled her eyes.

"Come on, I've already told you several times how good you looked," she said, a small smile spreading over her lips, "Nothing beats you in a tux."

The deep hum she received went through her like warm honey. It had stopped being rare for her to see him relaxed like this, all smiles and soft eyes. No, ever since that day she had told him she wanted to try, both of them had found a deeper content she had thought would be possible. That had been over a year ago, and Alex still silently thanked whoever she could they had met again on the Foreman case.
"You, in that dress, maybe," Hotch said, pressing a kiss onto her temple. The dark green silk dress hugged her knees, the look complete with simple heels and golden jewelry.

"You already told me that, too," Alex whispered, giving him a cheeky smile. He had, when she had tried it on two weeks ago. It had looked good on the floor, too, approximately thirty seconds after he had seen her in it. His dark eyes twinkled with an intensity that still took her breath away.

"I like to repeat it from time to time," Hotch shrugged. Before the blonde could return something, music started to play and the people turned to the entrance of the church. It was a sight to behold. Two brides, clad in white, led in by a man in another tux, wearing the proudest smile Alex had ever seen on his lips.

"Rossi is born for this job," she whispered, grabbing Hotch's hand. She could already feel her eyes water with unshed tears. The smile on his lips told her everything she needed to know. With the feeling of pure bliss in her heart, Alex watched as Jennifer Jareau and Emily Prentiss walked down the aisle.


Watching Jack in Alex's arms, swaying to the music, a smile on his son's and his girlfriend's face, was something that never got any less overwhelming for Aaron Hotchner.

"I would say you hit the jackpot, my friend," David Rossi said beside him. Sipping on some whiskey, he watched the pair dance, next to two women in white, a blond boy between them.

"I know," Hotch said softly, turning to his friend, "Believe me, I know."

Dave chuckled, taking another sip of whiskey. "They get along well," he said, gesturing towards Alex and Jack. Hotch smiled.

"He's having an Alex phase right now," he explained, "Last night, I found her reading next to him after he was already asleep. She said she wanted to make sure he was okay. He told me daddy can finally be happy again."

"I would've shed a little tear over that," Dave said good-naturedly, nudging his shoulder. Raising an eyebrow, Hotch nodded.

"I almost did."

Silence settled between the two, while Alex sat down Jack, who took Henry by the arm and hurried off to play. Garcia, seeing her chance, took the other blonde by the arm and started dancing with her.

"When are you going to do this again?" he asked teasingly, gesturing around. Hotch shook his head slowly, taking a sip of his drink.

"It's not as easy as you'd think to sneak up on her and take a ring size. Apparently, Alexandria hates rings, and has not one to steal."

Dave laughed at that, patting his shoulder. "If you need help, let me know. After three weddings, I can take a ring size by looking at a finger."

"Thanks for the offer," Hotch snorted, shaking his head.

"What offer?" Alex asked out of breath, cocking her head at the two men. Toasting in her direction, Dave stepped back from him.

"That's the part where I excuse myself," he said, winking at them. Hotch pulled her into his arms and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You will find out," he mumbled, pressing a kiss against her lips. When he pulled back, he was met with a small pout from her.

"I do love a good surprise, but I still want to know," she said, but he only shrugged.

"Patience, Alexandria."

Rolling her eyes, Alex pulled out of his arms when Emily waved her over. "Sorry, the bride calls. We will talk about that surprise tonight!"

"Sure we will," he chuckled. He was not planning on doing much talking tonight, that was for sure. When Alex winked at him from the dance floor, he knew she didn't either.

Author's Note: thank you so much for reading this!! It's the first one I actually published and now I'll dearly miss Alex and Hotch. I've started a third part that would focus around Reid, a new case and prosecutor named Raegan Andrews. Let me know if you'd be interested in that! That would make me write a lot faster :D
Anyway - would love to hear your thoughts. Much love!!

And If I Fall, Let Me Part II: After The Rain - A. Hotchner x OC & JemilyWhere stories live. Discover now