1- Bakery

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Y/n's pov:
I woke up in my empty room below the bakery I work at. The owner of the bakery was nice enough to let me live here as long as I work to "do my part". I stand up stretching and I walk over to my suitcase that has all of my clothes in it. I pick out a pair a black jeans, an oversized hoodie, and some black sneakers. I grab my backpack and throw it over my shoulder. I walk up the stairs to see my best friend, Avery, waiting for me. "Hey Avery!" "Hey, you ready?" I nod to her and we both walk out. As we walk out the door, I feel the strong, cold, wind hit against me. I pull my hood over my head and quickly put my hands in my pockets. We finally made it to our school and we quickly shove our backpacks into our lockers and we speed walk to class.

~Small time skip~

I am sitting in math class as I hear the bell ring. I quickly gather my stuff and shove it all into my backpack. I run out of school and sprint to the bakery so I wouldn't be late for my shift. I run through the doors and check my phone. "3:30, right on time" I thought to myself. I set my backpack down behind the counter and I throw on an apron, a pair of gloves, and my hat. I throw my hair into to a ponytail as I hear the bell on the door ring. I look up at the door smiling, then I see who just walked into the bakery. I freeze as she walks up to me smiling.

Elizabeth's pov:
"Robbie, I'm going to the bakery to get some stuff! Want anything?" "No, I'm good!" Robbie yelled from the office. I walk out to the car and turn on the radio. I turn onto the road and the sun hits my eyes. I cringe as I put on my sunglasses. After driving for about 15 minutes, I pull up to the bakery. As I stop the car, I see a young girl sprint into the bakery. I look around to see if she's getting chased, but I don't see anyone. I grab my wallet and I turn off the car. I walk up to the bakery and open the door. I walk up to the counter and I realize, it's the girl I just saw sprint in here. I smile at her shocked face. Must be a fan of me. "Hello, can I get a coffee, cinnamon rolls, and some fresh bread?" She stares at me still shocked and doesn't answer me. "Hello?" I say trying to get her attention.

Y/n's pov:
I see her mouth moving but I can't hear her. I'm too focused on the fact that Elizabeth Olsen just walked into the bakery and is now taking to me! Is it really her!? There's no way Elizabeth Olsen is standing in front of me right now! I finally snap back when she taps my shoulder. "S-Sorry about that. What can I get you?" She repeats her order with a kind look on her face. I start getting her order ready, still shocked about this situation. I set her order on the counter and go to my backpack. I grab my marvel poster, I had just bought the day before, and a pen. "I was wondering if you could maybe, sign this? If you're in a rush or if you don't want to it's completely fine! I don't want to bother yo-" She cuts me off  "It's alright, I'll sign it!" I smile as I hand her the poster and pen. I add up her total as she signs my poster. "What's your name, sweetie?" I look up at her and head starts spiraling. Did Elizabeth Olsen really just call me sweetie!? Omg omg omg omg omg. "Y/n, y/n is my name." She smiles at my and looks back down at the poster. I tell her the total and she hands my her credit card. As I swipe the card, she finishes signing my poster. "So, why did you sprint in here?" "Oh, I didn't want to be late for my shift." She smile as I hand her card back. I pick up the poster and pen and put them back in my backpack. "H-Have a nice day!" I say to her nervously. " You to!" I hear the bell ring once again as she walks out. I stare at the door for a few seconds, lost in thought. Dylan, my boss, comes over and snaps his fingers in front of my face, making me jump back. "Back to work!" He says. I start serving more costumers, back I still can't get my mind off the fact that I just met Elizabeth Olsen.

Authors note:
Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is pretty short. I hope it was good though! Thank you for reading this chapter. The next chapter will be out soon!

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