13- Coming out

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~a few days later


It's Monday again, which means I have to go to school, ugh. The past weekend had been great! Mom and I hung out a lot and some of the cast came over. I'm terrified about today though. I don't want to see Presley, but I know I have to. Mom told me if Presley keeps doing this, she's going to homeschool me, which is not my favorite idea.

I'm in the car with mom driving to school right now. I was nervously playing with my hands and mom noticed. "Y/N, what's wrong." I look out of the window and see the school ahead of us. "I don't think I can do this." I lean my head against the window and continue playing with my hands as mom pulls up to the sidewalk.

"If she does anything bad, call me or Scarlett and we will come get you." I nod and I climb out of the car, dragging my bag along with me. I make my way inside and walk to my locker. I see Presley walking my way, so I quickly walk away. I hear her pick up her speed behind me so I pick up my pace to. As I turn the corner, I run into Isaiah. "Isaiah! Thank god!" He looked at me confused so I grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of me so I can hide behind him.

Presley turned the corner and froze when she saw Isaiah. She has a huge crush on him. "Oh h-hey Isaiah", she said, twirling her hair. Ew. "Presley." She blushed and slightly tilted her head. She saw me behind him and gave me a death stare until Isaiah spoke again. "Stay away from Y/N." She quickly nodded and walked away. I took a deep breath as Isaiah turned to me.

"Thank you so much. I just can't deal with her today." "Hey, no problem. But I don't think I can do that again. The way she looked at me was just so...disgusting. It was like the way you look at Avery." He laughed as I shoved him into the nearest wall. "Shut up!" "I'm just messing with you Y/N! But seriously, when are you and Avery going to date?"

"Isaiah, I don't even know if she likes me." He looked over my shoulder and smirked. "Well, here's your chance to find out!" He turned me around and pushed me forward, making me fall into Avery. Luckily, she caught me before I face planted. "Woah, you good?" She helped me back up and I felt Isaiah pat my back. He walked away whistling and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Did he push you? I'll hurt him if he did", Avery said, placing both hands on my shoulders. I blushed and took a small step back. "Well, he did push me, but don't hurt him cause I want to." She laughed and took a step closer. Come on Y/N! Just ask her! "Uhh, I, uhm." I took deep breath and prepared myself for heartbreak.

"I have a question, but I'm scared it will ruin our friendship." She looked up at me confused, but then quickly shot me a soft smile. "Nothing can ruin our friendship. Just ask me." I gave her a nervous smile and nodded. "I....I like you and I want to go on a date with you. It's fine if you don't like me just please don't hate me!"

She stayed quiet and stared at me. She doesn't like me like that. I let my head fall and I started playing with my hands. "S-Sorry." She walked closer to me and gently pulled my head up. My eyes met hers and I instantly got butterflies, realizing how close she is to me. "Y/N, I like you to and I would love to go on a date with you! Does tomorrow after school work?"

SHE LIKES ME! OMG, SHE LIKES ME! IM GOING TO GO ON MY FIRST DATE!!! "Yeah, yeah, that works!" She smiled and hugged me. "Don't worry about planning anything, I'll take care of it", she said as she released me from the hug. I smiled and nodded. "Oh, I better get to class see yuh, Y/N!" "Bye!" I cant believe that just happened.

Wait, I'm going to have to tell mom I'm Lesbian. What if she doesn't support the LGBTQ+ community!? She might send me back to the orphanage or kick me out to live on the streets! Oh no.

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