5- Back to the bakery

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"S-Scarlett?!" Omg Scarlett Johansson is standing right in front of me! "Hi!" Scarlett said to me while smiling. I zoned out and got lost in thought.
Why is Scarlett here? What should I say to her? How do I stand? How do i not embarrass myself in front of her?
I was pulled out of thought when Lizzie snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Oh, s-sorry", I said nervously. "It's fine, hunny", Scarlett said while putting a hand on my shoulder. "Come to the kitchen. I made breakfast", Lizzie told me.
"I should probably get back to the bakery, Lizzie", I said quietly. "Oh, are you sure?" "Yeah, I need to find Dylan. But, thank you for everything!" She looked at me and smiled but I could tell she's a little upset that I have to go.
"Well, I'll come visit you at the bakery", Lizzie told me. "Great! I'll see you there" I said. I walked to the door and put my shoes on before turning around to find Lizzie in front of me. She pulled me into a tight hug and whispered, "If you ever need help or just want to stay the night, you're more then welcome to come!" I smiled and she stepped away.
I opened the door and turned back to them one last time. "Bye!" They both waved and said bye and I walked out closing the door behind me. I walked to the bakery and as soon as I opened the door and the bell rang, Dylan ran up to me and started asking me questions. "What happened?!" "Who were you with!?" "Are you okay?!" I put my hand over his mouth to get him to stop talking. "Come sit and I'll explain everything." After I explained everything that happened, Dylan was looking at me with a shocked face.
"YOU STAYED WITH ELIZABETH OLSEN AND MET SCARLETT JOHANSSON!?" He yelled. "Yeah, it was crazy! Elizabeth also told me I can go over to her house whenever I want", I told him proudly. After we talked for a bit longer, we opened the bakery and started working.


After y/n left, Scarlett and I ate breakfast and watched some movies before Scarlett had to leave. I couldn't seem to get y/n off my mind. I don't know why, but I really wanted her to stay for breakfast and maybe the rest of the day.
I decided that I would go see her tomorrow for breakfast since I was craving the muffins from that bakery. The rest of the day I did some work, picked blueberries in my garden, and watched some movies.

~the next day~

I woke up at 7:00 am and I was still craving the muffins. I laid in bed for a few more minutes before getting up. I quickly scanned over my schedule and I sighed. I had many meetings and 2 interviews today. I decided to wear a black and white striped shirt with black bottoms and black heels.

 I decided to wear a black and white striped shirt with black bottoms and black heels

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~Lizzie's outfit (minus the jacket and watch)~

I then went into the bathroom and did my hair and makeup for the day. Once I finished it was almost 8:00 am. I went downstairs, grabbed my purse, and walked out to my car. I drove to the bakery and made it there around 8:15. I grabbed my wallet and walked into the bakery.
The bell rang when I walked in and my eyes quickly found y/n and she found me. "Lizzie!" She said as she ran over to me. She gave me a huge hug, almost jumping into my arms. I giggled at how excited she was to see me and I hugged her back. "Hi sweetie!"
I turned my head to a man behind the counter and smiled at him. "Can I get a coffee and a blueberry muffin?" He smiled and nodded at me and turned to start making the coffee.
Y/n let go of me and ran behind the counter to get my muffin. "I'm guessing that's Dylan?" She looked over at him and turned back to me. "Yep! He's super nice. He lets me live here" "You live here?", I asked. "Yeah, Dylan's father owns an orphanage and I work here so they let me live downstairs since I sometimes have early shifts." "You're an orphan?", I asked. "Yeah."
I stared at her with a blank face as she put the muffin in a bag and Dylan walked over setting the coffee down. Dylan told me the total and I paid him. Y/n came out from the counter again and gave me a hug. For some reason, I love it so much when she hugs me. I smiled and rested my head on top of her head. I kissed her head and grabbed my coffee and muffin. "Bye y/n!" "Bye Lizzie!"
I walked out of the door and headed to my car. I took a sip of my coffee and started driving to my first meeting.


I saw Lizzie get into her car and drive off as I cleaned off a table. "Hey, y/n can you run to the grocery store for me?", Dylan asked. "Yeah, sure. Just give me a list of what you need."
Dylan walked to the break room and came back with paper and a pen. He wrote down everything he needed from the store and handed it to me. He slipped his hand into his pocket and took out his wallet to get money for me. "Here's the money, be careful", he said as he handed me the money. I nodded at him and walked out while reading the list.

• Eggs
• Window cleaner
• Sugar
• Flour
• Vanilla candle
• Oven mitts
PS: The candle is for the bakery, not for me or you so don't even try it and you better make sure it's a good smelling vanilla.

I laughed at the list and looked up. After a few more minutes of walking, I made it to the store. I walked inside and grabbed a basket. I walked through the store grabbing everything the list said, whilst checking them off.
I got the candle last and I smelled every vanilla one to find the best. After I found the best candle I walked to the checkout lane and waited. Why did I stand in the line that has the most people.
I finally made it to the front and I placed everything on the counter so the worker could scan them. "Are you by yourself here", the worked asked as she scanned the eggs. "Uhm, yeah." I reached for my phone to check the time. 9:45 am. Once she finished I handed her the money Dylan gave me and took the bags. She gave me $5 back and I thanked her while walking away.
I started heading back to the bakery when I saw a dog across the street. It looked a little scary but I brushed it off. It started running towards me and I got scared thinking it was going to hurt me, so I ran as fast as I could to the bakery. I saw Dylan outside talking to a costumer and I ran to him. "DYLAN, A DOG IS CHASING ME! HELPP!" Dylan turned around looking confused and he sighed when he saw me running away from the dog.
I ran behind Dylan and the dog was still running to us. "Sit!", Dylan said to the dog while holding his hand out. The dog quickly stopped and sat down. Dylan got on his knee by the dog and checked for a collar. "Huh, no collar."
I walked out from behind Dylan and came to the dog. I scratched the dogs head and the dog laid down. "You know dog, next time don't chase me looking like you're going to eat me." Dylan laughed at my comment and stood up to continue talking to the costumer.
The dog rolled on his back and I laughed as I rubbed its belly. "I'll name you Zoe", I said as I saw that it's a girl. "You shouldn't name it, y/n." "Why not?" Dylan turned to me and the dog and smiled at her. "You're going to get attached and she might have an owner."
"Well she has no collar so..." Dylan looked at me and rolled his eyes as he let out a little smile.
"Can I keep her, please? I'll take care of her and we can put up posters to see if we can find her owner and if we don't find an owner, I keep her forever!" Dylan look at me, then the dog, then me again. "Fine." I got up and hugged Dylan and then brought Zoe down to my little room below the bakery.

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