10- The cast

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I was laying in bed, trying to distract myself from the pain in my throat and my stomach. I decided to try and take a nap, so I crawled under the covers and closed my eyes. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I hear a quiet knock on the door, followed by a voice. "Can I come in?" I slowly picked my head up and responded quietly. "Yeah."

The door opened to reveal Lizzie holding a tray. "Scarlett made you some soup and tea. How are you feeling", she asked while setting the tray on my nightstand. "Better, much better", I lied. She looked at me and tilted her head, trying to get me to tell her the truth.

I tried to fight back but she wouldn't back down, so I eventually caved and gave up. "Fine, I feel worse than I did earlier. I feel very nauseous, I have a horrible headache, I have a runny nose, my throat is dry, and I think I have a fever. Lizzie looks at me with pity and she walks off to my bathroom.

I pick up the tea and take a sip. Omg, this is really good tea. I drank some more before Lizzie came back holding a few things in her hands. I set the cup down and turned to her. "What is all that?" She laid everything out on the bed and picked up the thermometer.

"Things to make you feel better. First, I need to see if you have a fever." She places the thermometer on my forehead and waits a few seconds. When we hear a beep, Lizzie takes it off my forehead and looks at the number. "Great, you do have a fever", she says as she sets it down.

She grabs some medication and hands it to me. "Take this for your headache." She turns her attention back to the supplies in front of her and I set the pill in my mouth. I take a sip of my tea and swallow it along with the pill.

~Time skip~ (cause this part is kinda boring ngl lol)

It's the next morning and I wake up feeling much better. Today is also the day Lizzie and Robbie adopt me! I'm so excited for them to be my parents! I was interrupted from my thoughts when Lizzie came running into my room.

"Are you feeling better", she asked worried. I giggled a little at her concern and I nod my head. "Yeah, I feel much better!" I jumped up and tackled Lizzie into a hug. She smiles and kisses my head while wrapping her arms around me.

"So, are you excited for today", Lizzie asked releasing me from the hug. "Yes! I'm so excited, Lizzie!" "We are leaving soon so get dressed and get ready to go." I nodded and with that, she walked out to let me get ready.

I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower. After my shower, I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and washed my face. I decided to put a little makeup and braid my hair. After all that, I went to my closet and picked out an outfit.

I grabbed the outfit I picked out and quickly changed. I then grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I was met with Robbie and Lizzie talking at the bottom of the stairs. "I'm ready!" They both looked at me and smiled.

We all walked out and headed to the bakery where we were meeting Dylan and his father. After a few minutes, we finally made it. As soon as we parked, I jumped out of the car and ran to the door, not waiting for Lizzie and Robbie.

I opened the door and immediately saw Dylan. "Dylan!", I yelled while running to him. I jumped into his arms as Lizzie and Robbie walked in. "Hey, squirt! How have you been?" He set me down and stepped back, waving to Lizzie and Robbie.

"I've been great! Well besides yesterday, I was sick." He smiled at me and ruffled my hair before walking over to Robbie and Lizzie, who were now talking with Dylan's father.

~small time skip~

"Now, Y/N is officially your daughter!" A huge smile appeared on Lizzie's face as she ran to me, hugging me like she would never let go. "I love you, honey", she said, before kissing my head. Robbie then came over and joined the hug.

Adopted by Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now