3- Run

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(I don't know if being chased is actually triggering for some people, but just in case lol)

~A few days later~

I was cleaning the windows while Dylan cleaned the counters and tables, when we heard the bell on the door ring. Both our eyes shot to the door to
find a man, probably in his 40s.
"Sorry, sir, we aren't open yet. Come back in 2 hours when we are open", Dylan said. The man creepily stared at me before slightly nodding and walking out. We both then returned our attention to cleaning so the store would be ready for customers.
An hour and a half later, we saw the same man walking back and forth in front of the store. We didn't think much of it as it was now 30 minutes till we opened, we just thought he was waiting. I realized he kept looking at me while walking. "Hey Dylan, this guy keeps looking at me weirdly", I told him. "Calm down y/n, I'm sure it's nothing", he said in an annoyed tone. I tried to shake off all of the thoughts in my head, but it didn't work. I mean what if he was going to kidnap me!? Or maybe hurt me? Or maybe. My thoughts were interrupted by a customer walking in and Dylan quickly running behind the counter. I fast-walked behind the counter to take their order and I realized the man wasn't walking outside anymore.

~Small time skip~

I was cleaning up from the day when I heard the bell ring. I assumed it was Dylan since he had gone to the store a bit earlier to get groceries for the bakery.
"Dylan?", I shouted. When I got no response, I got a weird feeling in my stomach, but I ignored it and walked upstairs. My eyes locked on the same man from earlier. He slowly walked towards me and I froze not knowing what to do.
I finally got in my head again and I looked around for anything to defend myself, and I saw water boiling. "Wow, Dylan, your forgetfulness is actually useful for once",I thought.
I ran behind the counter and he followed me. I grabbed the pot filled with hot water and threw it on him. He screamed in pain as I dropped the pot. I jumped over the counter to get away from him.
I ran out of the door and start sprinting down the road. After a few minutes, I started hearing someone running behind me and I instantly knew who it was. I ran faster then I have every run in my life. I started sobbing thinking about what he might do to me if he caught me. I ran into a neighborhood to find a house I could get into. I saw a huge house and I ran to it hoping it was unlocked and no one was home. The man started slowing down seeing me running to the house. I guess he assumed I lived there and he didn't want my parents seeing him. I ran up to the door and tried to open it. Thankfully, it was unlocked. I opened the door and quickly got in the house.
I shut the door a little to loud. Shit. If someone is home, they definitely know I'm here. I was still sobbing and I felt a panic attack coming on. No, no, no, I can't have a panic attack in a strangers house! I slowly slid down the door and curled into a ball.

Lizzie's pov-
I was laying on the couch watching a movie, when I heard the front door open. I was a little confused because Robbie was out of town. I thought it was Scarlett at first, but then I heard the door slam shut. Scarlett hates when people slam doors, so this couldn't be her. I slowly got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen to grab a pan to knock this person out.
After I got the pan I silently walked to the front door. I was about to jump out from behind the wall, but then I heard sobbing and gasping. I slowly peaked my head out from around the corner and I saw a young girl sitting on the floor in a ball. I set the pan on the chair next to me and walked up to her cautiously. I then realized she was having a panic attack. I get them quite a lot so I knew how to help her.
I crouched down in front of her and she slowly lifted her head to look at me. She looked terrified. It broke my heart when I saw the terrified look in her eyes. "Hey hunny, I'm going to help you, is that okay?", I asked. She nodded while she was uncontrollably shaking. I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned into me. "Okay, what are five things you can see?", I asked her. She lifted her head and looked around. "Y-you, a chair, a p-picture, a lamp, a-and a pan?" She answered. I giggled a little as she looked at the pan confused. "What are four things you can feel." "You a-again, the door, the c-carpet, and my shirt." Her breathing started evening out a little bit. "Great! What are three things you can hear?" "Talking from a movie I t-think, your voice, and myself." I smiled as she leaned back into me. "Perfect, what are two things you can smell?" She paused for a second trying to catch smells. "Popcorn and vanilla." I was confused when she said vanilla but then I remembered I had lit a vanilla candle earlier. "Yes, and last, what's one thing you can taste?" She finally stopped shaking and I pulled her closer. "Uhm..a muffin I ate a little while ago." She took some deep breaths and we sat there in silence for a few seconds before she quickly climbed out of my grip and stood up. "Sorry, I shouldn't have come here, I should go." She started opening the doors but I grabbed her wrist before she could leave. "Wait!" She turned around towards me and I finally saw her whole face. I immediately remembered who she is. She froze once she actually saw me, as her eyes were filled with tears before. "Elizabeth...Olsen?" She asked.

Authors note-
Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is kinda short.

Please make sure to eat and drink water! Also get some rest! Love you 3000!

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