lovely.. (Yandere!Sunny x reader)

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The bell rang, it was after school,  you saw a boy with black hair, he was just standing there..

it confused you, but you just thought he was waiting for someone, unaware that someone was you..

you had noticed it started raining, but you still continued walking home, you felt as if someone was following you.

You knew you were a couple minutes away from your house so you ran all the way back home..

you got back home and noticed your door was left unlocked.

you were supposed to be home all day today...

you panicked, you started running to your room, you knew you had a knife hiding in there incase if this would happen.

It scared you that, it actually happened...

It was like a nightmare came true, unexpectedly you heard something moving in your closet..

Someone jumped on you, after a moment you had noticed it was your friend Aubrey.

"Got ya bitch!"

Aubrey yelled sitting on you, you trying to escape, "get off meeee" you whined.

She actually got off of you, "how did you get in? I was gonna let u in cuz I was planning to hang out with u for a bit," she said, scaring you.

"The door? It was unlocked..?" You replied.

"No way, I locked it, I made sure I did!" She yelled.

You guys sat on the couch since you guys were downstairs and you heard someone knock on the door, you opened it..

It was the same black haired kid from school you saw earlier!

How did he know where you lived..

(Sunny istg I will drop kick you if u follow me home-)

A few hours later aubrey went home, but the kid stayed, you didn't know who he was..

He got a weird look on his face..


















everything suddenly went black.

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