Rainy Days (suntan)

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Usually on rainy days the couple would commonly cuddle on Sunny's bed or play games together until late but maybe today, that could change.

Kel, who was scrolling on his phone had looked away to look at the black haired boy who was lying against him with his head on his chest, Kel looked back to the ceiling. "Hey, Sunny, I have an idea! What if we baked something together?" He suggested while getting a hum of approval from sunny.

Sunny had moved from where he was to allow the taller boy to get up from the bed, Kel smiled to him before starting to make his way downstairs towards the kitchen, being followed by Sunny after a moment, "What should we even bake?" The brunette asked while walking into the kitchen.

Sunny walked in as he asked. "We.. Can make cookies..?" He suggested, unaware that Kel hadn't heard him. "We should make cookies!" Kel replied as Sunny walked over to get a recipe book Hero and Mari had made together, setting the book on the counter upon finding it. Sunny flipped through it to the page where Mari wrote down her cookie recipe, Kel saw what was required to make it so he had walked away to grab the things needed as Sunny preheated the oven.

The two took turns to add things to the bowl while making the batter, Sunny had walked away to check the oven. Not long after looking away he heard something break, "Shit!-" Kel exclaimed. Quickly looking over Sunny had seen that Kel had accidentally broken the egg when attempting to crack it, He handed him a couple paper towels to clean it up before grabbing another egg and cracking it himself into the bowl to avoid the same mistake, despite how chaotic it may get sometimes when they cook or bake together, neither of them ever minded, they loved hanging out with each other no matter what. Let that be when they were playing games, watching movies or even just their own things, they always loved it.

The couple rolled out little balls with the dough before putting them onto the pan and setting the pan in the oven, Sunny sat in front of the oven, staring at the cookies before looking at his boyfriend, who was sharing the same thought with him, Kel opened his mouth and asked the question they were both wondering. "What should we do after this?" Kel walked away from the sink after putting in the bowl from the batter and sat beside Sunny, "Maybe we can watch a movie or play games again?" He suggested, "We haven't seen a movie in a while! We really should." Kel responded, being happy to hear Sunny's voice more lately.

As Sunny had listened to Kel rant about things that had been going on with his life, he watched the rain, he smiled while thinking that they trusted eachother so much as to tell eachother the things they did, Kel would rant about how he and Aubrey still teased eachother and how she got on his nerves from time to time, Aubrey and her gang still bullied Basil over everything and Kel would have to tell her to go and leave them all alone so of course, he ranted about that too. Sometimes, Sunny would talk to Kel about his nightmares when they would keep him up at night out of fear, they were always there for one another even when the friend group started to fall apart. They were always there and they always would be, no matter what happened between the two, they can always trust eachother and feel safe around the other.

They had finished making the cookies and put them into a container before going back to Sunny's room to lay down and watch a few movies, Sunny had brought a couple of cookies upstairs to eat during the movie but Kel ate most of them, Sunny didn't mind though, he rested his head on his chest. At some point near the end of the movie the taller brunette looked to the short black haired to come upon the sudden realization that he fell asleep against him, Kel turned off the movie and lazily lifted the blanket further onto the two of them and held Sunny close, letting himself fall asleep happily with the one he loved most as he listened to the rain that gently tapped against the window.

A couple of hours later the sun had mostly set and Hero had pulled into the driveway of the Suzuki house since he was planning to visit and spend the night there while visiting home from college for a couple of days since it was break. Mari unlocked the door and was welcomed to the scent of the cookies she often made a few years back before she had gotten caught up with college along with Hero, the two walked around since it was oddly quiet, they knew Kel and Sunny were having a sleepover in the house and since Kel usually yells when he loses games such as mario kart or dies by a creeper in minecraft, they were both surprised but they assumed they went out somewhere.

Mari walked up to her room so she could change into some pyjamas instead of the dress she had worn all day but upon opening the door, she saw her own little brother cuddling her boyfriends little brother. "Hero!" Mari quietly called out, waving him over so he could see as well, Hero walked in and stood in the doorframe and saw it, "That explains why it was so quiet." Hero laughed as he was trying his best to stay quiet, he made his way back downstairs to prepare drinks for himself and Mari as she moved the blanket to tuck in the two even more. Grabbing a change of clothes before she left to the bathroom while still trying her best to stay quiet as to not wake up Kel or Sunny. She was glad the two were able to love someone like that. Rainy days really are nice, aren't they?

(I posted this on ao3 so i thought i should post it here as well, i hope you guys are doing well <3 also i kinda wanna do a q&a so can u guys send questions pls?)

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