Chapter six

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" This is a safe place Lana, you can tell me anything." Lana shuffled her body as she layed back on the sofa, " Why am I here again?"

The young lady placed her clipboard down, " Your father told me something happened four weeks ago, do you want to talk about it?" Lana peered at the lady's golden hair that glistened in the sunlight, " My fiance died, that's it."

" And how do you feel about it?"

" I'm feeling fine. He was going to kill me anyways."

" And that didn't make you feel afriad?"

" Never did, I didn't know about it until he died. He was dead, I can't be afriad of someone whose dead."

The councellor nodded, " Of course. Lana, when something as shocking happened. Such as losing a loved one, a person can go through grief, and it can help to talk about it with someone." 

" My dad tried to kill me."

The councellor froze, " Pardon?"

" He hired this dude to try to kill me to prove that he's never afraid of anything, even if I was in danger."

" But he knew about this, he planned it."

" Yes, my father has his ways with things. I then killed the man that tried to kill me."

" Pardon?"

" He's dead."

" Yes, I see. Were you mad at your father for that."

Lana crossed her arms, " Of course I was, he wasted my valuable time."

The lady sighed. " It seems to me that you aren't showing much emotion about any of this-"

" And?"

" Usually someone would, you've been through a lot."

Lana returned a fake smile, " Sure, and you promise me that all that I have said will stay here?"

" You have my word, this is all between us and your family."


As an hour passed Lana gave up and told the lady that she'd be back another time, sure

Lana stormed her way back to her room where she found Damon sitting on her bed, looking through one of Lana's photograph books.

" I see you're finally comfortable to invite yourself to my room and go through my stuff." She took off her long black blazer and threw it on the floor. She went to her desk and took a seat.

" How was the session?"

Lana sighed in response as she picked up a magazine. Damon waited a few seconds for a response but all he got was a small grumble.

" Then I take it didn't go well?"

"The lady made me feel as if there is something wrong with me. She was surprised I didn't show much emotion when I spoke about death."

" You were in shock Lana, that happens."

" I just...don't really know how to feel about all of this."

 " It's going to be okay, you'll be able to take your mind off all of this next week, remember, your dad gave you an important task."

Lana sighed, " It feels all fake to me. A part of us going is only because my dad assumes that we are dating. We are just being bait. Yes my dad said that's proud of me and all, but still."

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