Chapter 1.

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'So let me catch you up. It had been a few months since we moved to the edge to take on Dagur but on our long journey, We've found that Dagur is working with a man named Ryker who works for his brother named Viggo? On our adventure here we saw heather again, Heather is our spy for now until she meets Viggo then we'll pull her out. I have a bad feeling that if we don't pull her out soon she'll be in danger.' 

I closed my journal after writing that "I honestly don't know why I write in this anymore" I said to myself as I put the journal on my desk. I stood up from my chair and headed towards my door, Speedy my speed stinger walked behind me giving me a chirp. I patted her head then headed to the clubhouse "Finally! By the Gods your awful with time!" Snotlout yelled at me as I entered the clubhouse, I crossed my arms and looked at him "Snotlout she's the most mature that's the only reason why she's allowed to be late and to be honest we're not really doing anything" Hiccup says playing around with the dragon eye "And Snotlout its not like I'm sitting in my hut all day just like Astrid I'm training and You try having multiple dragons who always want to play" I walk over and sit next to Fishlegs who was jotting down notes from the dragon eye "Hey Moon can we use your Skrill's lightning on the dragon eye?" Fishlegs asked peering up from his notes "That's a good idea Fishlegs" Hiccup said turning around and facing me "That would be but Shock is on a temporary leave, remember he likes traveling the storms" I say they both nod "Don't you think that's risky?" I heard Snotlout ask "Yes but he travels quietly in the storms so I'd highly doubt the hunters would catch him" I smirk at Snotlout then just stared at all the writings projecting from the dragon eye. 

-Time skip to 2 hours Later-

"Okay steam going to take this nice and slow" I say to her as we dodged arrows from a hunter ship, we drew closer to the ship I jumped off steam and landed on the ship. As I drew my sword Steam attacked above as the hunters on this ship were distracted, I made my way around the ship kicking Hunters overboard, disabling catapults, net launchers, and other things that would take my team out. Steam swooped down blasting her hot sand blasts at the hunters that were coming from behind me, soon this deck was cleared before I went below deck I made sure the other riders were doing good when they were I headed down. I saw only a few dragons inside cages, there was a deadly nadder, change wing, monstress nightmare, and hobgobbler. I opened their cages then headed upstairs again once I was on deck I watched the dragons fly out and away. I smiled at the sight then Steam landed next to me I climbed on top of her and took to the air, Astrid and the other riders were still taking out a few ships. Finally the last few ships retreated I watched skeptically as the ship Heather was on disappeared in the distance "Moon lets go" I heard Hiccup say snapping me back to reality, I nodded as we headed back to the edge.

Once we were back at the edge I was about to head to my hut until Astrid called to me "Hey Moon!" I turned around to be face to face with her "So Heather is our spy, but I feel we should have a side spy to keep her safe" She said to me "So maybe you can-" I cut her off "Be a spy? I can't Dagur would recognize me" I say just thinking of Dagur made me blush a little, Mine and His relation ship went back a while but I could manage to keep my feelings low "No I mean You use Steam or speedy or shock and follow them, you'll be there to keep Heather safe" She says with a reassuring smile "I think I-" I was cut off by Hiccup running up to us "Guys just got a Terror mail from Heather tomorrow night you, me, and Astrid will meet up with her again" He says then looks that we were already talking about something important "Okay what did I interrupt?" He crosses his arms "Astrid thinks I should follow Heather and the hunters to make sure Heather is safe and if she isn't I spring her free" I say to him "Well we should see Heather's opinion" Hiccup says to us "No Hiccup if we do that, Heather will convince us not to" Astrid says to him "I'm not putting another one of our friends in danger" Hiccup says sadly and a little hint of anger. I laughed a little "Hiccup good luck getting me in danger" I say placing my hand on his shoulder "I can do that before getting in danger" I look at Astrid and smile "No.... you may be older than all of us and may be able to take care of yourself, but you're a rider and I'm the leader of this group....My decision stands" Hiccup says sternly to me, He removes my hand then walks off "What a stubborn sentinel" I mumble, Astrid laughs "We saw those dragons once Moon" She says "And they were awesome!" She laughed a little more than we walked side by side to each other's huts "Are you sure you're older than us?" She jokes "Positive" I say jokingly, we reach her hut then I headed to mine.

I walked up to my hut to see a few of my dragons resting at the front, meanwhile a few sleeping inside. I walked into my hut and laid on my bed thinking of Astrid's Idea 'It truthfully was a good idea.... maybe I'll do it anyways' I drifted off to sleep not giving a further thought.

Hey dragon riders, Thank you so much for reading let me know below if you like it or give me a vote! Thank you so much, Till the next chapter byeee.

Too Different? (Viggo Grimborn x Oc) (Oc  x Dagur)Where stories live. Discover now