Chapter 4

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A/n: I changed the skills name to Blackout sorry it fits better :P

I woke up with a start my mind recalling what happened a Month ago for the 7th time this week, I yawned as I got out of bed. I slowly opened the door of my hut and looked around "Maybe I need some time away from the Edge" I mumbled to myself walking to the edge of my platform and sitting down. Many questions raced through my mind as I looked out into the horizon 'Why did he want to know me?' I questioned as if it was the most important "Where is he now?" I mumbled to myself, suddenly I heard a creak behind me making my attention turn to the noise "You're questioning where Viggo went aren't you?" Heather asked walking over and sitting next to me "Yes...." I looked down "And well Dagur as well" I let out a small chuckle as I looked at her but she gave a serious look back at me making me look off again "Moon why are obsessing over this? You acting like hiccup like he was several weeks ago" Heather stated making me sigh "I-I don't know why-" I thought on it "Maybe its because Viggo wanted to know me....He could sincere or a trap" I sigh running my hands through my hair "Dagur I had a connection with him....he seemed undecided at the camp I was thinking of how to distract him and take his response and use it against him but then he helped us" I looked at her, Heather stared back "Sorry Moon but I don't see what you see...They're our enemies.....that's all I see" she states getting up and walking away, I sigh and stay there. 

After a while I stood headed in for food, hang out, train, play around with my dragons, then went out for a fly on my skrill Blackout, we flew above the beautiful waters and around wonderful islands. Blackout snorted as we flew "What is it Blackout? you normally don't make that noise unless you see Dagur" I laughed remembering that's her usual signal for seeing the berserker, suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts when Blackout began to dive "HEY!" I yelled as he began sparking, luckily I had a suite hiccup made for me on which was shock proof. He landed with a harsh thump making me fly off and hit the ground, he loudly roared as I sat up "Blackout why did you do that?" I asked getting up. He gruffly grunted at me making me raise a brow "Blackout.." I walked over and held his head "Are you okay boy?" I asked, he grunted at me before pushing me back "Wow buddy what are ya doing?" He pushed me so far back I lost balance and landed on the ground "Okay enough with this....whats wrong buddy?" I ask him making him growl and look into the distance, I turned my head to where he was looking and saw nothing. I sat up and brushed off my skirt "Bud lets just go back seem shook up" I saw slowly approaching, he growled, snapped at me then ran into the forest "Blackout!" I yell running after him. 

It had been an hour of walking around since Blackout ran off, my legs were trembling, my throat dry from yelling his name constantly. I sighed when I heard the sound of rushing water, I followed the sound to meet a waterfall, I shook my head and walked over to the water. I kneeled down, cupped my hands, and took a sip 'Probably isn't the best idea but Lagoon water is safer to drink than salt' I note in my mind before hearing a crack of a twig making my head whip around and pull out my weapon "Who's there?" I ask in a stern voice. My eyes widened at the person who emerged from the bushes "Hey I'm not here to fight" Dagur said with a face of guilt making me laugh "Let me guess, Ryker and Viggo are with you?" I ask suspiciously as he walks closer "No, of course not" Dagur says as he comes closer, I gritted my teeth at him "Back. Up." He doesn't listen which makes me frighten. My body moved and swiped the sword at him, he dodge the sword, grabbed my wrist twisted it making me drop it, he then grabbed my other hand before I could punch him "Just stop! I'll explain everything" He says as I tried to squirm, I looked up at him, my eyes went soft when I looked into his eyes, no mischief or games were playing in his eyes and he was looking very genuine. I sighed and pulled away, he gently let go "Fine....explain...After I find my dragon" I say to him beginning to walk off but he grabbed my hand making me jolt as a small bit of blush crossed my face quickly. I pulled away with a glare, Dagur shook his head with a chuckle "He came from behind me, I got him to calm down and he's in a cave for you" Dagur says, I walked close to him "Show me" He grinned led me through the forest past the beach to a cave just on the outside of the beach area, I saw a somewhat broken ship by the beach making my nerves get in edge once again "Don't worry I am not with anyone" I heard Dagur say as he whistled to the cave, thats when Blackout came out and ran towards me making me grin "Hey buddy!" I say with a smile as he nuzzled me "You scared me!" I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I hugged my dragon, Dagur was just watching with a smile on his face "Never realized how much of a connection you have with your dragons" He stated, I just stared before clearing my throat "My dragons are my family Dagur....." I crossed my arms "Now explain" He chuckled "Okay here I'll get you some food then we'll talk" He began to walk off but I grabbed his arm, he stared at me then nodded and we walked into the cave. 

He explained everything from the point when we met Viggo to now and his reasons to change, I just stared "You really care about your sister" I say tossing a fish to Blackout, who gladly ate it "see you understand! Sooo maybe you trust me now?" He tilted his head, I felt my stomach twist "For now" I say standing up and sighing, my feelings beginning to rush through me. Dagur smiled, stood up, and stepped closer to me, but out of habit I backed away from him. He looked so hurt like I just killed a loved one of his "You're still afraid of me" He stared at me, I clenched my fists a small tear falling down my face for no. reason in specific "Well of course not! You hurt me and the others for years!" I walked closer to him "You- You tried to kill us! And Our Dragons!" He wen't to speak but I continued "I shouldn't have liked you! You were a psychopath!" I backed away realizing I just had a random burst out "Sorry...." Dagur said making me stare "What?" I blinked a few times then suddenly he hugged me making me freeze "I promise to make it up to you.....and everyone else"  he let go of me then looked me in the eyes. I smiled and patted his shoulder "I better head back....till we meet again though" I say before he can say anything else then I head out of the cave with Blackout behind me. 

                                                          But I thought about it......

                                                             Should I forgive him?

                                                                      Was I wrong

                                                                          for not



A/N: Thank you for reading, hope you are enjoying this book! (I might have a sequel book) Tell me which chapter is your favorite so far! :) See you in the next Chapter!

Too Different? (Viggo Grimborn x Oc) (Oc  x Dagur)Where stories live. Discover now