Chapter 3.

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'He wants to- what!?' I stared at him furrowed my eyebrows "Why would you want to know about me?" I asked making him chuckle "Does there have to be a reason?" He asks raising his brow "there's nothing to know" I say crossing my arms "How about your Dragon?" Viggo asks wanting to lead into a conversation. I sigh and just stare at him "Sensitive topic?" He asks "Why are you dragging this conversation?" I ask glaring at him "I'm just trying to get to know you that's all" Viggo says, I stand up "Well I rather you don't" My voice was covered with hostility as I moved away from the chair, Viggo stayed seated but kept his eyes on me "How about we play a game of Maces and Talons?" Viggo asks I stand there for a few moments "Shouldn't you be getting prepared? Hiccup could be here any second" I say even though I didn't know if it was true I was hoping it was. Viggo let out a laugh "Oh I'm fully prepared, but from what I've heard" He pauses as he stands which scares me so I back up closer to the wall of the tent "Hiccup will plan before rushing in which gives time for us to get to know each other" He says as he walks closer until we are 5 feet from each "What do you say?" He reached out his hand "My dear" He raised his brow and smirked waiting for me to take his hand. I shake my head and start to walk around him "I think I want to go back with Heather" I say crossing my arms, I believe I heard Viggo sigh before he turned "As you wish, perhaps another time" He went to sit back down and in came Dagur who grabbed my arm and dragged me out, We were walking around the camp but he was leading me in another area "This isn't where heather was.....Where are you taking me?" I asked a bit of anger in my tone, Dagur chuckled "Its better if we keep you separate" he said then continued "So you have a new cell all the way over here" I growled as we continued walking. It was silent until we made our way through the camp right in a cave "Maybe You'll consider switching Moon, You and me would make a good duo" Dagur says as he shoves me into the cage "You still like me right?" Dagur asks as he closes the cage door, I turn my head away and try to ignore him. He gave a small chuckle then walked off leaving me alone in the cage, with no one to talk to.

Time passed by and it felt like forever, evening soon came the sunsetting slowly. I was dozing off in the cage leaning against the right side staring out the front barely able to see the beautiful sunset. Suddenly two pairs feet walk up making me look up to see Viggo and Dagur "Its time for us to move you" Viggo said unlocking the cage door, I didn't notice before that Ryker was standing behind Viggo and Dagur. I slowly stand but don't walk forward "She did this earlier" Ryker growled stepping forward but Viggo held his hand up "It is fine, Dagur grab our guest and place her with your sister" Viggo directed, Dagur looked irritated being told what to do but he did as told grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the cage. As we walked past Viggo watched carefully but I returned his watchfulness with a glare, Dagur yanked me forward and I complied following beside him. Once we were out of range that Viggo or Ryker could hear us I spoke up "Not like you taking orders" I smirked he just turned his face away "Awe did you lose your role as leader and stepped down as a follower, guess your not the man I thought you were" I raised my brow and smirked as we continued, Dagur gave me a growl and made eye contact with me "Well are you gonna say something or did a terrible terror catch your tongue?" I ask trying to get him to talk "I decide to take a step back, see how this Viggo fella leads" He said facing forward his grip on my arm natural not too tight and not too loose "If he leads wrong I'll slip away and eliminate him, since he sees everyone is expendable" He mumbled "I'm deciding now that being on his side isn't right because I am not expendable" Dagur growled gripping my arm tight "Hey watch it" I say snapping him out 'So Dagur isn't planning on follow Viggo, but what is he planning on doing' I stare at him then snap out of my thoughts "So what are you going to do about it" I ask trying to get his plan "Nothing, I see no point in leaving anyways I can prove to him I'm not expendable" Dagur says with some cheerfulness in his voice. We finally got to a cage which had Heather inside "Moon I'm so glad you're alright" Heather says as the door opens, I smile at her and hug her after Dagur throws me in "Now play nice and keep your mouths shut" Dagur says to us then walks off, I send him a glare as he walks away then turn to Heather. We sit down and began discussing ways of escape or ways to help the riders when they arrive.

When it became nightfall the ground began shaking, firing and yelling could be heard suddenly we saw a Nightfury fly over head but it disappeared into the camp. Suddenly the cage door opened, I looked to see Dagur and two hunters who grabbed mine and Heather's wrists tying them then they began to walk us away. We traveled through a cave hearing the banging, Dagur held his arm up and gestured us to walk into a small side tunnel, we did as told "Wait a minute this isn't right" Said one hunter making me and Heather turn "Yeah Viggo specifically said-" Suddenly they're heads were smashed together by Dagur "News flash I no longer care what Viggo has to say" He said to them then looked at us "Dagur please-" He raised his axe then swung down knocking off her chains, he did the same with me looking me dead in the eyes for a moment. He sent a sweet smile before whistling where the dragons came around a corner, we ran to our dragons and softly pet them. Heather looked back at Dagur as I did the same 'I want to know why he did that' I thought but before I could ask Heather tapped my shoulder "Lets go" she says then climbs onto Windshear and we flew out of there...unfortunately I didn't remember much after that

Too Different? (Viggo Grimborn x Oc) (Oc  x Dagur)Where stories live. Discover now