Chapter 2.

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(This is the beginning of the episode Maces and Talons Pt.1)

Warning: Cuss Words

"Fishlegs Flaming bolder!" I heard Hiccup yell as I dodged arrows and sent blasts at the hunters, from the corner of my eye I saw Heather blast at Snotlout. I flew up to see her blasting and following the twins, then she saw me and charged at me, I decided a chase was best. I continued flying and dodging her blasts until Steam finally gave in and let windshear blast her making us dive and land on a seastack, heather flew past us and went for Astrid. Once Stormfly hit Windshear with a spin me and steam took to the sky, we all headed back to the edge as we flew me and Astrid were looking back with concerned faces.

Once we were back at the edge, we began planning out our next mission. Hiccup went on and on and on about ideas but none of them really involved me and my dragons "Hiccup I'm not here to watch....mind me participating?" I ask leaning on my right hand with my left eyebrow raised "oh sorry Moon, I was thinking when Heather meets Viggo you could be the one to take him to outcast Island along with Dagur" he gives a not really convincing smile "Wait why would we trust her alone with Dagur?" Snotlout said Making me growl at him "Snotlout why wouldn't we trust her? She's one of us" Fishlegs says a little hurtful "Who cares anyone can change when they're around someone they like" Snotlout said crossing his arms and glaring at me harshly. I slammed my hand on the table as I stood and walked over to Snotlout "Moon calm down" Hiccup said walking slowly behind me "I am calm Hiccup" I said glaring at Snotlout not taking my eyes off of him "I don't know what your problem is but lose your fucking attitude" I say getting closer as he backs into a wall, the tension broke when Astrid cleared her throat "Come on Moon its time to meet up with heather" she says pulling me away, I glared at Snotlout as we left.

The ride was mostly quite but once we saw Heather we all began to talk "its great to see you guys" she said hugging all three of us. She began explaining that Viggo wanted the flightmare and he knew she knew where to find it, she gave that information to Viggo "Its perfect for an ambush" Heather says "What does he want with the flightmare though" Hiccup mumbles "Hiccup you're missing the point" Heather says shaking her head "He does that time to time" Astrid says I let out a small laugh "N-no. no. I don't" Hiccup stutters out "Anyways its a perfect ambush" She pulled out a map and handed it to Hiccup "Follow this algae trail, this is where we'll be" Heather taps the map "So will we" we all parted and got on our dragons.

-Time skip-

"Okay can we talk about the elephant in the sky?" Tuffnut asked, I looked at him with a bored expression as I flew on Bone "No" Hiccup replied "Good good can we talk about why Viggo wants the flightmare?" Tuff asks then Ruff answers "Maybe its because he likes the way that algae stuff glows" Me and Hiccup looked back at them "You know you may not that far off, he may want it for its algae or its paralyzing spray for something" Hiccup says "We can ask him ourselves if we get there" Astrid says speeding ahead, I speed my dragon up as well while we all fly in front of the rest of the team. Hiccup weng over the plan with the others than walked over to me "Okay Moon you keep an eye out for Viggo's ship, take charge the minute you can" he says I nod "When will we know when Viggo is here?" Snotlout asked then Toothless let out a roar, we turned to see a single ship sailing towards us "he already is" he said a few words to the twins and they flew off "Uh hiccup you may want to see this" me and Astrid yell in sink Hiccuo rushed over to see ships approaching "Hiccup You may want to see this too" Fishlegs said "Hold on I thought Viggo and Heather were coming alone" Snotlout said was looking around "They were which means they probably aren't coming at all" Hiccup gets onto Toothless "Okay we just have to distract the hunters until the twins get the Flightmare out of here" He yelled then a flaming Boulder crashed in front of us separating us, me and Bone fell into ocean then we rose from the water and attacked the nearest ship, As I flew towards the ship I heard a deranged laugh "Come on Moon! You couldn't take me three years ago what makes you think you can now" He yelled then told his men to fire, Bone dodged the boulders and arrows flying towards us then sent a few blasts of her own. The riders began diving down to the ships and dropping small algae bags that splattered on their decks, they were making jokes until the flightmare landed and froze the hunters that got in its way. I laughed then flew up into the clouds only to come right down letting Bone roar very loudly, I took my eyes off the hunters as I hovered above they're ship, I noticed Heather was talking to Hiccup and Astrid. I began to fly over until a chain wrapped around Bone's foot "Hiccup!" I yelled before more chains attached to bone pulling us down, we crashed onto the ship with a loud thunp "Bone are you okay girl?" I asked trying to remove the chains but I axe came around my neck "Na-ah-ah" I heard an all too familiar voice say, I growl removing my hands from the chains "Don't hurt my dragon" I growled as he made me stand "I'd worry about yourself" he said into my ear, I turned around with a harsh glare to meet his deranged smile. Suddenly Heather crashed on the ship, she was admittedly tied up and walked down below. Dagur grabbed my arms and led me below, Bone was put in a cell across from me as Dagur shoved me in a cell with Heather then walked off. All proud, I sat down a little light headed from the crash "Moon you okay?" Heather asks I nod "Just light headed" I say giving a smile "Hey take a rest I'll wake you when I have a plan" She says sitting next to me "You sure?" She nods and curl up slowly falling asleep.

When I woke up I twisted around but I found I wasn't in the cell anymore, I jolted up to meet a cage door "Moon You're awake!" Heather hugs me but away "Where are the dragons!?" I ask worryingly looking around "I don't know" she says sitting down "Damn it!" I kicked the cage door then sat. We sat there for a few moments until someone walked up to the cage making us both stand and back up in the cage. The door swung open to reveal Ryker "You're lucky, My brother wants to meet you" He said gesturing for me to walk forward but I stood still, he growled then harshly grabbed my arm and pulled me out. He slammed the cage door before Heather could help me, he pushed me forward and began walking me to a tent "You'll pay if you hurt her" I say to him as we walked up to the tent "I'd be more worried for yer being than hers, my brother can be very persuasive" Ryker says as he stops outside the tent then opens it, I walk in glaring at him then the tent closes behind me but Ryker didn't come in. I looked forward to see a man sitting at a desk staring at me with a Maces and Talons bored in front of him while he had a eybrow raised and a smirk on his face "You must be Viggo" I say crossing my arms "And you must be Moon, I've heard so much about you" he says then gestures me to sit, I sat down but kept a stern look on my face "I'm guessing Heather?" I ask he shakes his head "Dagur knows you quite well, doesn't he?" Viggo asked in a tone full of pride. I gritted my teeth 'he's trying to reel you in and break you down don't fall for it' I didn't notice I was staring at him, I looked down "And if he does? Does that matter?" I ask looking up "I'd like to learn about you" Viggo said giving me a a genuine smile?

Cliffhanger until the next chapter bye dragon riders!

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