Chapter 3

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Did this man just ask me if i'm flexible?!
Both of us starring at each other with silence, but he's just staring at me as if he's a cheetah ready to hunt down it's prey. I clear my throat because of the awkwardness. "Well I used to be in gymnastics but it was only for a year until I gained a lot of weight at-.." he cuts me off. "Excuse me?" I furrow my eyebrows tilting my head chuckling uncomfortably "I'm sorry?". "If I wanted your life story we'd have tea and cookies in front of us, How about that huh?" he says in a harsh cold tone.

"Well if we're doing that make sure the tea is lemon and ginger, oh the cookies hmm make it raspberry cheesecake." tilting my head sassily. He straightens up in his chair clenching his jaw tightly. "Would be a shame to be fired on your first day huh?"
"You're firing me?" I say furrowing my brows
"You're childish." He says coldly.
"Me?! Childish?! I'm sorry if I matched your energy a little too well, seems like something you cannot handle apparently. I say rolling my eyes roughly handling my purse to get up and walk out that damn door.

"You have no idea what I can handle, sit the hell down."
I stare at him coldly before I sit my purse and my butt down in the soft couch.
"In this business we keep it professional, I'm not sure where you get your attitude from but I will not tolerate your smart mouth behavior. Keep it professional at all times, don't step out of line. Mrs. Young. You wouldn't like the aftermath." He says with a small smirk. His lips so full and beautiful. Swallowing hard and clenching my thighs together literally not sure why but I could just melt from this man.... but my hate for him is rising, it won't be there for long because this man is so fucking handsome.

"Your lunch starts in 30 minutes, take this time to feel the need to do whatever you please. business wise." He says glancing at me. Getting up from his chair dusting off his suit. Christ his towering figure, those grey eyes. His sharp jawline this man is beautiful, but his rudeness is a turn fucking off.
"20 minutes."
"huh?" I say now looking at him sitting in his seat still staring at me.
"You have 20 minutes left till your lunch breaks starts. Any questions?"
"How long are the lunch breaks?"
"Your lunch break lasts about 45 minutes, depending on how generous I feel it could be longer." He says while circling his index finger with his thumb catching my eye again.
"Oh thank you." I say still focusing on his fingers. Does this man get a fucking manicure?! His nails and hands look so elegant....

"Something on my fingers miss Young?" He says staring at me.
"U-uh no, nothing at all." I say looking into his eyes.
"Go get your lunch... Feel free to look in the cafe, if there isn't anything you like within the cafe, order food or you can go out and get food if you would like. Use your time wisely. I have something to tell you when your lunch break is over with. You're dismissed."

Picking up my purse I stand up pulling down my dress. "And Miss Young."
"Knock when you get back please."
"Oh- uh, yes sir."
Closing the door behind me finally assuaging the gut feeling from being within that office. Making my way to the elevator I press the 1st floor, The light on the 10th floor is lit which means someone from the 10th floor is also getting on. I hope it's Enzo honestly I need someone to talk to, I would call my best friend but she's laid up in Greece.

The stop at the 10th floor was quick, The doors opened presenting Enzo's beautiful face. He's always so happy.... People who are always happy always gain my curiosity. His green hazel eyes meeting my dark brown eyes.
"Amari! Hey!"
"Hey Enzo" I say happily hugging him.
I can feel him jump from the action, but hug me back.
I let him go backing up so he can press which floor he has to get to, He goes for 1 but it's already pressed.
He chuckles, "You're going to the first floor?"
"It's just me and you in here so pretty much" I say smiling.
He acts hurt from the sarcastic tone "Lunch?"

"How did you know?"
"I'm guessing me and you have the same lunch." He says smiling ear to ear. His smile is so pretty. All I could do is smile, Him and Mr. Andino are breath taking men honestly. But Mr. Andino is an ass.
It feels as if the elevator is taking forever to go down to the first floor.
"What are you eating for lunch?" He asked looking at me.

"I'm not sure honestly, what are you eating?"
"I'm going to this mexican restaurant a couple of streets down."
All I could do is nod, I really don't even have a lot of money in my account that's why I chose to get this job. It's better than nothing. After Louise died I had to fend for me and Prettygirl because Albert kicked me and my kitten out a week after Louise died.
"You don't have to agree... But as a friend would you like to have lunch with me?" He says snapping me out of the trance I was in.
The elevator doors opened showing the empty floor and the receptionist who works down here. "Yes I will." I say smiling and blushing.

Enzo drove in his Audi and picked out where we were sitting within the restaurant. He's so sweet, He opened the door for me in his car and at the restaurant. He selected our drinks and waited for me to select my meal, which was pretty hard to do since there was so many delicious meals to choose from.

"Tell me about yourself Amari." He says staring up at me with a smile.
"Honestly there really isn't much about me." I say looking into his eyes.
"There's gotta be something, just tell me anything."
"Well... I have a cat her name is Prettygirl. she's 1 and it's just me and her who live together."
"No boyfriend?" He asked playfully.
"No, never had one unfortunately.. Tell me about yourself Enzo" I say crossing my leg.

"The whole story?"
"Hit me."
"Well, I don't have any children. No pets sadly. I live by myself, I go see my parents 2 times a month. Usually if you don't see me at work i'm with them. Nothing exciting about my life honestly."
"No girlfriend" I say playfully tilting my head. Which made him laugh. He's such a good friend honestly.

The food comes out and my stomach growls, not enough for anyone to hear..... Thank goodness. Enzo got guacamole with chips and a fresh salad with different toppings. I got Pozole de Pollo with shredded chicken, and we both got water for drinks. As I was scarfing down my food Enzo was gracefully eating his salad until his watch goes off. With us almost done with our food, he looks up at me smiling.

"Ready to go back to work first day lady?"
Putting my spoon down and wiping my mouth with the napkin.
"I guess, I have a quick question though.."
"Hit me" he says mimicking me.
"Why is Mr. Andino an ass?" Asking curiosity. He stared at me for a second and laughed tilting his head back. My eyebrow raises up in curiosity because what's so funny...
"An ass?" He says chuckling

"It's not funny i'm serious. Why is he an ass?"
"Okay, okay, okay. I don't know why he acts like that. When we were younger he has always been like that Amari. He's so cold. Never finds any humor in anything. Quite frankly he's just been like that since grade school. But i'd partially agree with you on the "being an ass part.". He says chuckling.
"You guys grew up together!!" I scream and shot up from my seat which made the waters shake from my movement.

"That's another story for another time Amari, We have to get back." He says smiling putting a 20 dollar tip on the table.
20 dollars! this man has money honey. He opens up the door for me out of the restaurant looking down at my high heels hitting the ground. "Classic Louboutin." He says whistling.
Smiling ear from ear, "How did you know?"
"I know fashion when I see it. Other than buying my mom the same pair 3 times." He states while opening the door to his car for me.

I walked Enzo back to his office as we joked and talked about random things and our favorite things doing as children. Sadly not opening much about my childhood because it ended at 12. Walking back from Enzos office to the elevator I didn't see Michelle as her desk.

Pressing the button to my floor, I started reminiscing on how I had a good time with Enzo. It felt good to make a new friend and thinking about how I felt happy for just a second without having bad flashbacks on my childhood and the trauma it has caused me.
Letting my mind linger off of Enzo and the restaurant. The doors to the elevator opens, hugging my nostrils was a mix of crisp wood and cologne.
Stopping at Mr. Andino's office door gathering my pride I put my fist up to knock when Michelle swings  opens the door in a hurry fixing her shirt and bob.

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