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"Honey, wake up!" My mum shakes me by the shoulders. I grunt and pull the duvet back over my head. "You should've got up ten minutes ago! I assumed you were getting ready!" She pauses. "Well, I'd hoped you were getting ready, but I know how much you like your bed." I can't see her but can hear the smile in her voice. "It's Fri-yay!!" She screeches and cackles, then skips out my room humming.

I look at the time. She's right; I should've got up at least ten minutes ago. Reluctantly, I pull myself out of bed and stretch. At least it's Friday, I think to myself as I pull off my matching unicorn pyjamas and pull on my smart school uniform.

I skip down the stairs into the kitchen and grab a cereal bowl out from the cupboard. Another fresh day, I say to myself as I pour on the milk.


My phone in my hand buzzes. "Wha-?" I jump up from the sofa and pull my earpods out of my ears. Looks like I passed out on the sofa again. I look at my phone to see Chaeryeong calling me.

"What do you want? It's too EARLY." I am grouchy this morning, like every other morning. I pause Got7's ENCORE and listen to the other end of the phone.

"School starts in, like, two minutes! I'm outside!" She hangs up. I groan and open the front door.

"Mornin'" She walks right past me, only to turn back around and look me up and down. "Damn girl, you look like SHIT."

I grunt. "I fell asleep on the couch again." Chaeryeong sighs.

"Ryu, sweetie, what's going on?"

I sigh dramatically. "Okay, I didn't just "decide" to move away from home. Dad kicked me out." Without warning, I start to sob, and Chaeryeong pulls me onto the sofa and cuddles me.

"Oh sweetheart~" she strokes my hair. "When did this happen? Why would he do that? He's so proud of you??"

I look up at her. "It was about three months ago now. I told him I was gay and he-" I start sobbing again.

Chaeryeong shushes me. "It's okay, it's okay."

"But it's not okay!!" I whine.

Chaeryeong puts her finger to my lips and shushes me again and pulls my hair to face her. "Ow!" I say, but she's not listening.

"This is why you decided to go all "Scary Bad Girl"? Because your dad won't accept you? Did your dad pay for this house or was that a lie?" She demands.

I roll my eyes. Typical Chaeryeong, always taking things too seriously. "No, dad literally payed me to get as far away as possible from him. And yeah, people should fear me, like I always feared them. The predator becomes the prey." I smile an evil smile that just makes Chae laugh.

"You're so dramatic." She laughs again.

"But you love me." I smile, and she smiles back.

"As nice as this is, we should get you showered and ready, if we're gonna arrive late, we're gonna arrive FASHIONABLY late." she smirks and pushes me through my filthy "house", while I cackle.

𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 ~ 𝟚𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕟 Where stories live. Discover now