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I skip into school five minutes early like usual. It doesn't take long for me to get ready in the mornings, so I don't really know why I set my alarm for half six. I wave to at least seven people on my way in as I head for my first lesson -English.

"Hey! Yuna! Over here!" My best friend Lia calls from outside the English block. I wave and skip over to her, where we both share a hug.

"I can't believe it's Friday already!! The week's gone too fast!!" I squeal as we link arms.


"Ugh, I can't believe it's only FRIDAY, the weeks just DRAG." I groan as we make our way to school. When I moved away from home, I stayed in the town, but moved closer to Chaeryeong's neighbourhood, so we could finally walk to and from school together. "I just can't WAIT for double English." I roll my eyes dramatically.

Chaeryeong links her arm with mine. "At least I sit behind you so we can chat."

I just look at her. "Do you not hear Miss Charles bitching?? She hates me."

Chaeryeong smiles. "And with good reason."


"Alright class, lets do the register. Just reply with a simple 'yes, miss' when I call your name." Miss Charles says in her strict, posh voice as she struts over to her desk. I don't know if Ryujin, who sits next to me in English, is ill or just late. I'm guessing the latter.

Around fifteen minutes into the lesson, Ryujin and Chaeryeong walk in and sit down in their places. "Well?" Miss Charles says from the front. "Have you anything to say for yourselves? Have you not seen the time?"

Ryujin speaks. "Sorry miss, I couldn't read the time on my clock. It must have said twenty-past eight but I thought it said eight-minutes-past two!"

Miss Charles clanks (she wears VERY high heels) her way over to mine and Ryujin's desk. "You 'couldn't read the time'?? And you thought what, it was two in the morning?" She then stomps over to Chaeryeong. "And what about you? Can you not 'tell the time' too?" With stern eyes she looks between them. I have to resist the urge to start laughing.

"Finding something funny, Miss-" She looks down from me at her piece of paper, "Shin?"

Ryujin and I both speak at the same time.

"Nothing is funny here."

"No, Miss."

I'm sure you can guess which one I said. Ryujin's answer sets Miss Charles off.

"Did I ask you, Ryujin? You strut into my class late, blab some lie on that you, at the age of sixteen, cannot read the bloody time, and now you are disturbing my class!"


Chaeryeong and I walk into class fifteen minutes late. Whoops.

My excuse is I couldn't read the time. Unfortunately Miss Charles didn't believe my lie, but it's not the end of the world.

She gives us both a demerit, which is just a point that shows our parents how much of a failure we are.

I never used to get demerits, I always got merits (the opposite of demerits) but not anymore. And, frankly, it makes no difference to my life.


Ryujin doodled in her exercise book for the whole one-hundred and twenty minutes of the lesson. It distracted me because whenever I tried to look she covered it and glared at me, which made me want to look more. I'm sure I saw her look at me several times, like she was taking me in or something. I don't know, she's a bit odd.

We got set homework; we have to write a letter to a Shakespeare company. Ryujin got taken out of class five minutes early, so I had to write the homework into her diary for her. Miss Charles then said to me, "Thanks, Yuna. Now pack her stuff up," and walked off. I didn't really think it was right to do it for her, because, like, what if there was something in her bag that was private she didn't want anybody to see? But I did it anyway, because something you really don't want is to get into Miss Charles' bad book.


I got pulled out of lesson five minutes early to 'have a chat' with our Head Teacher, Mrs Woller. Miss Charles didn't even let me take my stuff with me! She told me I could come and collect it when I've finished, like it's not going into my breaktime.

Mrs Woller was waiting outside my English classroom, and as soon as I walked out she walked with me. I won't bore you with the whole conversation, so here's the simplified version:

"You've been getting into trouble a lot lately, you never used to."


"Are there any problems at home?"

"Nah, everything's going fine."

"You're such a smart girl. That brain is wasted on you!"


"No it's not alright! I will be talking to your parents tonight!"

"Good luck with that."

Eventually she gave up and told me to go back to class, and by that time it was three minutes into break. Chaeryeong is waiting for me by my seat holding my bag, and I thank her.

"We got homework." Chaeryeong says as she hands my rucksack over.

"Another piece of homework?" I shake my head. "I waste my life on that shit."

𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 ~ 𝟚𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕟 Where stories live. Discover now