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I don't go in today, because Chaeryeong sent me a text this morning:

Chaer: sorry I didn't tell you, I found my dad in Aussieland a few days ago. I kinda lied to get his number, said I was an intern from his phone company and asked if we could meet, and he said yes. When I met him I told him who I really was, and then he said he should have realized it was me, because I am just like her. A pathetic bitch who just wasted his time.

I replied as soon as I woke up.

Me: Call me!!!

She does.

"I'm sorry..." She says.

"I meant fucking video call me you bitch!!" I hang up. I am so angry at myself for not being there for her like she's been there for me. My mind's been so focused on Yuna I hadn't given her a second thought.

We talk and cry and talk and cry for hours and hours.


Ryu isn't in today. I text her as soon as I get home but she doesn't reply. Today was boring. Mondays are always boring. The only day that ever seems to be interesting nowadays is Friday.


There's a knock on my door. "Doors open!" I call, and then hear someone come in.

"Chaer? Is that you?" I ask. I've barely moved off the sofa since yesterday. I really can't be bothered with life anymore.

She smiles. "Hey." I wave, and motion for her to sit down next to me.

"You stink." She scrunches her nose up in disgust. "Today's Thursday right? When did you last shower?"

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Monday. Or Sunday. What's the difference."

"Shower. Now." She instructs.


Fri-Yay again!! I'm happy because Chaeryeong texted me to say she's back! Yay!!

"Mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy!" I call as I gallop down the stairs.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes?" She mimics from the kitchen.

"Can I please go round a friend's house tonight? Please!!" I give my mum the puppy eyes.

She sighs dramatically. "You have got your exams coming up, and I hardly think you've revised..." She purposely drags out every word. "But, if you really must, then okay."

I roll my eyes. "Mum, you're doing that thing where you pretend you're giving me a choice when I don't actually have a choice."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She turns her head the other way.

I smirk. "Mhm, of course you don't."

"Fine, go see your little friends but stay no longer then ten!" She glares at me in that motherly way.

I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. "Sure mum," I say as I walk out the door. "I'll be back by twelve!"


We have plans after-school to go to mine and hang out. By we I mean myself, obviously, Yeji Chaeryeong, Yuna and Lia. It's going to be so much fun.

The only bad thing is the popular-bitch-blonde-pyscho-make-up-obsessed-has-spiders-legs-for-eyelashes girls and annoying-dickhead-popular-cheating-pathetic-dumb boys think it's okay to mess with me. This lunch time was soooo funny.

It's the popular girls first. They strut over in their exclusive pathetic gang.

"Hey, Yuna! I was wondering if I could borrow a pen? I lost mine and you always have such pretty pens!!" The leader of the gang smiles at Yuna, completely blanking myself and Chaeryeong, and even Lia. 

Yuna looks over at me and notices my disgusted expression. 

She then looks up to Boss Bitch as I call her, and says, "I'm sorry. If you lost your pen, that's your responsibility. Last time I lent you a pen you never gave it back. It was my favourite." She turns her head away from them. "Anybody else feel like lending her a pen?" Chaer and I shake our heads and squint in distaste, and Lia looks away awkwardly. Yuna looks back up at Boss Bitch, who has an unamused expression of her fake face that she actually believes looks pretty. "Oh well! Maybe go ask someone else willing to have their pen "borrowed". I don't recommend asking Brittany," Yuna loudly whispers, "she would like it as much as when you "borrowed" her boyfriend Jeongguk." 

Hashtag SAVAGE BITCH!! Yuna is not one to start a fight with anyone, but, hey, there's always a first time for anything.

After that we were all happily eating our lunch in our spot on the playground, when the popular boys swing by.

The leader of their gang, I like to call him King Dick, walks over and sits next to Yuna, and casually places his fat, sweaty hand on her thigh.

"Hey Yuna," he winks, "how are you feeling today? I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight, I thought you might have wanted a break from," he clears his throat and quickly glances at me, then turns back to her, "uh- that, girl?" He says it like a question, causing all his dickhead friends to burst into laughter.

Yuna glares at King Dick. "How I'm feeling right now is a little uncomfortable," she grabs his hand -quite tightly as I saw it- and removes it from her thigh, "and I'm not being rude but why would I want to go out with an asshole?" She pushes him off her. 

Just for fun, I add an, "Oooh," which causes him to look at me.

"What was that?" He asks me.

I get up and glare at him. "I don't know, your motherfucking cue to leave?" Something in my tone of voice encourages him to push off.

Fridays are the best. 

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