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Friday again! We have a new English teacher because our old one's off on maternity leave. First thought -she's done it. 

Ugh, and yet I haven't.

Me and Chaer have been hanging out with Lia and Yuna this week at school, and every night we "study" with Yeji. She's really cool.

So I'm really excited because we're all meeting up at mine after school, then Yuna's staying for a sleepover!! I only have one bed, and it's single, but I guess she could sleep on the sofa. Or maybe we could both sleep on the floor to keep it equal. Am I overthinking this???


Mum wasn't happy about me going round Ryu's again tonight but, hey, I'm old enough now to make my own decisions.

The night's going great so far; we're all chatting and stuff. I talked to Lia about her and Yeji, but she told me nothing was going on. Really believe taht, I think to myself as she casually rests her hand on Yeji's thigh.

Chaeryeong clears her throat and stands right in front of them. "Choi Jisu! Take your crusty, dusty sussy hand OFF her thigh please a thanks very much to you." Lia immediately removes her hand from Yeji and goes bright pink.

"Right well I think we'd better call it a night," Ryujin gets up, "I'm hungry and want to order some food but I only have enough money to pay for myself and Yuna."


I give Chaeryeong the look that gives her the hint to leave now. "Thanks for coming! You know, we should do this every week!" I smile as Lia, Yeji and Chaeryeong leave.

"Damn, Chaeryeong can be SCARY sometimes." Yuna laughs. "So, you gonna order some food or not?"

"Yes maam." I say as I pick up my phone and order a regular pepperoni pizza from dominos. "So, whatcha wanna do whilst we wait?"

"Hmmm, we could talk?" She says, avoiding my eyes.

"We've been doing that all evening." I laugh nervously, and sit down next to her on the sofa.

She sighs, then looks at me, then away again. "I mean, talk."


It's quiet for a while. I don't know whether I should go through with this or not. Ryujin has been driving me MAD these past few days -I keep noticing little things about her I never did before- and I keep trying to talk to her but at the last second I chicken out.

"Ryujin," I start cautiously, carefully looking away from her still. 

"Hmm?" She asks, and I can feel her gaze on me.

Should I say something? Should I not? I go for it;

"What would you say if I told you I was in love with you?" I sneak a peek at her expression -pure shock.

"Are-are you serious?" She stutters.


"-serious?" I stutter hard because what if she's messing with me? What if she's just making fun of me and doesn't like me after all? 

She nods, still looking away from me. It doesn't look like she's joking, but I'm not letting my guard down, at least not yet. "I don't know, what would you want me to say?" I ask, my voice still uneasy. 

She looks down and her hair falls into her eyes, and I itch to move it. "Um, well, ideally I'd like you to say it back," she laughs quietly and nervously, and I take the chance to scoot closer to her. "or you could tell me its just a phase or whatever, but I'm sorry if you DO I'll have to punch you in the face," I'm right next to her now, my lips centimeters away from her cheek, "but, yeah, if you said it back that would be much appreciated, or saying ANYTHING would be better because I feel like I'm just kinda blabbing here like an idiot and you think I'm an idiot-" she turns to look at me, startled I'm so close, but she has no time to say more because I kiss her.


She kisses me. RYUJIN kisses me. Ryujin KISSES me. Ryujin kisses ME!!! It's the nicest feeling. Her lips are as soft as I had predicted. I don't have a watch on but I'm pretty sure it lasted over five minutes.

When she pulls away I gasp for air, and she giggles. "What did you do that for?" My anxiety has magically reappeared. Fabulous. 

"I've been dreaming of doing that ever since I met you." She smiles, and my eyes widen.

"No way!!" I giggle and crawl into her arms.

She giggles too and wraps her arms around me. "Yes way."

I pull away. "Oh my gosh, I have an idea."


Her eyes sparkle with excitement. "What is it?" I ask, curious to know what her idea is.

"We can't date!!" She cries happily. My eyebrows knot in confusion. "Yeji and Lia are totally in love, so when they tell us they're dating we can say we are too!!!"

I'm still confused. "But why..?"

"Because Chaer told me that someone told her that someone saw Lia and Yeji KISS IN A CAFE!!!" she squeals.

I nod my head with sarcasm. "Oookay, but what has that anything to do with us? And who says I even want to date?"

She rolls her eyes. "I can tell you love me, your eyes shimmer and light up when you see me. I only started noticing recently." She sighs happily. "And because they're lying to us, so let's lie to them. Chaer says that Lia wants it a secret and to not tell us." She pouts. "So we're gonna tell Chaeryeong to keep it a secret from Lia and Yeji!!"

"So we're gonna go on dates though?" She nods. "And I didn't know you liked girls!!" I teasingly nudge her on the shoulder.

She smiles at me. "Neither did I. Not til I started hanging out with you." I giggle and let her fall against my shoulder. "OH MY GOD!!" She screams. "THE DRAWINGS!! OH MY FUCKING GOD THE SIGNS WERE ALL THERE!!" 

I tut. "Too bad you were too stupid to figure it out-" I can't finish my sentence because she started attacking me.

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