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It's Friday again but it's not the same. Mum comes in all jolly and happy, but nothing can lighten my mood, not even the surprise birthday party Lia threw for me earlier in the week.

Ryujin hasn't been in all week, therefore meaning I can't get my English book back. Miss Charles has made me an after-school detention for this evening, despite what I've told her.

I really miss Ryujin. I never thought I could miss something -someone- so much.


I should go back to school. I know I should. But I can't bring myself to face her. I blocked her on my phone so I can't get her messages, but I've no doubt they are all insulting me.


I've been texting Ryujin all week. I don't think they've gone through. Maybe she's blocked me.

Me: Ryujin come back to school

Me: Chaeryeong isn't in either so I know you aren't ill!!

Me: I really miss you

Me: you're great at drawing!! though I'm not sure I look that pretty in real life :{


That's not it. Nowhere near IT. I sent so many texts but she just won't answer. I'm going to skip detention tonight and go to her house.


Ugh. I miss Yuna so much. I hate it. No matter how much Chaeryeong tries to distract me I can't stop thinking about her, her, her.

"Ryu, Ryu, I just had an idea!!" Chaeryeong squeals from outside the front door. I let her in, and she practically BOUNCES with joy.

"Go in on Monday, say you had a sickness bug and passed it on to me, your phone got lost and you just found it, and the reason you draw her is because you wanted to practice your drawing technique and she has the perfect face shape!" She smiles, proud to have come up with all that.

I ponder for a minute or so. "That could actually work." I look hopefully up at Chaeryeong.

"The only problem is," she smiles a sad smile, "that way you don't tell her how you feel."

"What makes you think I feel anything towards her??" I say stubbornly. "I don't have feelings for her. Nuh-uh."

Chaeryeong sighs and smiles. "Sure." she says under her breath quietly but loud enough for me to hear her.


At lunch when I check my phone, I see I have two messages from Ryujin.

Ryujin: hi Yuna! I lost my phone and only just got your messages
Ryujin: me and Chaer have been stuck at home with sick bugs -I feel much better today and will be back on Monday!

I run to the bathroom and lock myself in a cubicle.

Me: hey! sorry to hear you've been feeling ill! can I do anything for you?x

I spent several minutes wondering whether to send a kiss or not. What if she doesn't send one back?

Ryujin: nah, but thanks for offering xx

Two kisses! She sent back two kisses! I sent one! But maybe her finger slipped, she only meant to send one but accidentally sent two??

Me: I miss sitting next to you in English, even though we don't really talk anymore xx

Ryujin: yeah me too x
Ryujin: wait, how are you on your phone?? you aren't allowed on them at school!!

Me: I'm hiding in the toilets

Ryujin: ahh clever

Me: do you mind me asking why you had drawn lots of pictures of me?

Ryujin: sure!
Ryujin: I love drawing people, but I needed more practice on being more detailed in the facial area, and you have a very pretty face that is good to use as practice

Me: why, thank you

Ryujin: yw :)
Ryujin: you'd better go now

Me: yeah I guess :(
Me: see you on Monday x

Ryujin: see you on Monday x


I put my phone down and smile. "Someone's happy, what did she say?" Chaeryeong asks me as she washes up our ice cream bowls.

"She sent me a kiss! And when I sent two she replied with two!" I look up at her.

She laughs. "So, when you two lovebirds gon' go on your first date?" I blush and turn away, making her laugh harder. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, me, mum and Chaeyeon are going to Australia tonight."

I look up in shock. "You just 'forgot to tell me?'" I get up and face her. "You forgot to mention you're moving to Aussieland??"

Chaeryeong lets out a small laugh. "We aren't moving, we're going there for a week. On vacation. It's too expensive to go in the holidays." I pout and fold my arms.

"What am I going to do?" I whine, and she pulls me in for a hug, but I won't give in that easily.

"You have Yeji, your neighbour, and you have Yuna, your giiiirllfriieend..." She makes a smoochy face so I smack her but then burst out laughing.

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