Part 1 || 18/10/2021

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So here's the first set of questions we are going to ask ourselves.


Q. 1

What do you want people to feel around you?


With want people to feel accepted. I want them to feel free to share their honest opinion. I don't want them to say they like a thing cuz I said I like that thing. I don't want them to feel judged. I want people to feel at ease, knowing that I won't be judging whatever they do.

Q. 2 

Have you ever treated a person in a way you regret?


Yes.....sigh......i wish I could go back and change it all. There are 2 people like that to be exact. 1 my father and one my friend. I just learned a lesson to never open up too much. Cuz when you feel comfortable around a person, you might say things that may hurt them. So yeah it's complicated for most readers but this is my answer.

Q. 3

What are your love language and destructive act?


Hmm....My most preferred love language is "words". and secondly it would be "quality time". You guys can search up what love language means. 

And my destructive act......hehe.....not so proud.......but I am skilled in making a person feel bad. I do feel bad after making them feel bad, but that's out of my control. I try my best to never do that, but it still slips sometimes when I'm not myself. So yeah I need to control that. I kind of have a way with words and without realizing it, I may be making other person feel really bad.

Q. 4 

You are at your happiest when....


I am at my happiest when I feel accepted by someone. And it is NOT normal for me. Secondly, when I'm trying t help someone and it actually works, then I'm at my happiest. 

When I feel like I don't need to put any more effort and I'm accepted just the way I am. and when I am able to make myself of use and help anyone. These are times when I am happiest.

Q. 5

What would you tell your younger self?


There are 2 younger selves of me

One that carefree child who didn't have a worry in the world. That was first ten years? Yeah, that would be it.

For that, I'd tell myself to go play and that I am loved by many. I'd also tell myself to spend more time with my dad. Enjoy every single moment with him.

2nd younger me would be recent past me.

I'd tell her "You don't need friends. You are amazing and you don't need to be a people pleaser. If classmates always leave you out, ignore you, never appreciate the things you do for them, it isn't cuz you're missing something or you're not doing it right. It's cuz they are different and don't realize who you truly are and you deserved better than them."


This is my Today

This is my Today

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12:00 pm

Here are my answers. You guys also type down yours!

Whether in the comments or in your journals or in any notebook available. 

Ask yourself these questions and try to answer them as honestly as possible.

5 questions today, 5 for tomorrow.

Bye guys, thanks for reading!!!

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