Part 5 || 22/10/2021

13 3 5

Soooooo sorry it again took so long!

Also, this book might be put on hiatus for a week....

I have a lot to catch up on with school. So yeah....

anyways, on with the questions!

anyways, on with the questions!

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Q. 1

What do I need to get off my chest today?



Wow....i always think I'm gonna mess up things. Trip in front of everyone, drop something and it will break, or accidentally make a comment on someone, or try your best to impress everyone at school....

I'm so glad everything went well. I can't believe my first day at school went without me causing a mess or trouble. It usually happens on important days.....

Anyways, it was big burden and I'm so happy that it's over. That my first day went great! better than expected!

I don't need to impress anyone! They are all so accepting and kind so yeah it's a big thing that calmed me today. 

Q. 2

3 things I love about this time in my life


I love my teenage hood! i know it's very short, time is flying and I will have to take bigger responsibilities than only studying soon. So yeah I love how I only have studies to do right now.

I love how I have my family to rely on. My brothers to carry my bags and weights, my mother to take care of everything, I love how I can easily rely on them and is not alone right now.

I love how everyone has started to treat me with respect. Being at this ae, everyone thinks I'm actually starting to grow up and keep me apart from kids. 

Gah this is stressful as well. I'm not ready to be treated like an adult)

But yeah.......

Q. 3

10 positive affirmations for today


1. Perfectionism is a lie, start messy

2. The only way to fail is to quit. I will not quit

3. I am beautiful

4. I am proud of myself

5. Growth takes time. I am headed on the right way

6. I will try my best every day

7. I am stepping into the most successful decade of my life

8. I am enough

9. I matter and I will be listened to

10. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's impossible. I can do it!

(p.s. ahh how hard it is to believe any of these.....)

Q. 4

If you were to live a week with a different version of yourself, would you enjoy it?


This question means if, just imagine, you were to live with yourself, just with another body, mind, and soul. Would you enjoy being with yourself? Would you play games? shout at each other, tolerate each other, etc?

For me, I have no idea and no time to think right now......

Q. 5

What was I like as a child?


No time left........i might answer to this question some other time.

I know many of my answers are not there, but ti's cuz I'm LATE!

I'm just leaving these questions here for you lovely people to read.

I'm just leaving these questions here for you lovely people to read

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Ugh gotta go........

Leave your answer!

and don't forget

1) You are loved

2) You matter.

3) There's so much in your life worth living for

4) You're doing an amazing job with life right now!

5) You're so lucky to have the people you have in your life

6) Focus on yourself too. Treat yourself every now and then. Make yourself happy. Even with small things but pls do this

Bye bye guys...ugh I;m in such a rush.....

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