Part 2 || 19/10/2021

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Hey guys! Welcome back! hope you guys wrote the last part's questions and were able to answer to yourself. Now moving on with the next questions 



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Q. 1

What makes you feel confident?


Hmm....a pretty tough question XD. I feel confident in real life when I'm being myself. Like no makeup, no excessive anything, just plain simple me. I feel confident when I know I'm not trying to impress the other person. 

Talking about being confident online? I literally have no idea....

Q. 2

Write 3 things you like about your appearance


Hmm....well, Idk what to say. I like that I'm tall? I'm friendly, meaning always smiling at people when talking to them, and.......I'm.........uh.....I have long wavy dark brown hair, I just like them when they are open.  

Also a note here. I also have fair/pale skin in real life. But I literally love tan and black people! My friend Ali, she's shared some of her pics on a server. The Jaya server too. And she's absolutely beautiful! I've also seen many other tan people and always wondered if I could be tan too. Not that I'm ungrateful for my skin tone, just that I love tan and dark-skinned people just as much as I do fair-skinned ones 😊

(P.s. not being offensive to anyone. I just wanted to share this opinion. So sorry if this sounds offensive )

Q. 3

Who are you most grateful for having in your life?


My mom. Ever since my father passed away, I've realized how much a parent means to you. I'm just really really grateful that I still have her. And I hope I have her till my last breath by my side.

Q. 4

What is the biggest dream in your life?



I would love to change the typical minds of Pakistani people. I may live among people of my own religion, language or nationality, but our personality traits doesn't match.

People here are so narrow-minded. Till my last breath, I'll try my best to change that. Make them realize that judging someone is not right at all. That they can't assume anything about a person until that person says it themselves. That they can't just believe rumors and treat a person harshly. That they shouldn't backbite people in need, instead help them.

It's a sad reality. My biggest dream is to spread awareness in these houses as much as I can. I want every child in these walls to feel loved. Not left out.

Desi people often don't believe in mental disorders. They don't understand the difference between a confident and sensitive child and blame it all on the poor soul. I just want to change the typical stereotype. 

Q. 5

How have I grown in the last year?


I am proud of the changes I developed. And have to admit that these online friends played a major role in them. 

I used to be a people pleaser. I used to run after my classmates, trying to be their friends. I always had to be the only one to put in the effort. I always wanted to just fit in.

But now, I believe that I don't always have to push the friendship alone. That if, someone wants to be friends, they can take out time for me, talk to me, and put in the effort themselves too.

That I don't need anyone fake friendships in my life. The time I spent trying to please them so that they accept, I spend that time writing now. I let my imagination run wild and all of the thoughts transferred on these paper sheets. 

It's fine if I'm the quiet, lonely kid in class. I don't run after them trying to help them in every possible way in hopes that they might want to be close to me.


I don't know what to say now

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I don't know what to say now. 

You guys can also write your answers in the comments if you want!

Love you all. Remember guys, self-love is important. 

Your mind and soul is a collection of different thoughts and beliefs. Self-love, self-esteem, and other beliefs like these are foreshadowed by other emotions like love for you fam, struggle to make them proud. which is not right at all. These pieces as just as important. Remember that you are a garden and your self-love is the roses in it. They make the whole garden beautiful, the same way as self-love will make your mood beautiful.

If someone tells you that you're not enough, or anything offensive. Then they are lying. and don't listen to liars.

You are doing great, amazing in life. If no one has told you that I'm telling you this today. 

I love you and I'm so proud of you. yes you, the person reading this. I'm proud that you want to help yourself and are reading this book. I'm proud that you're still going on and proud that you're you. You are the way you were supposed to be. You are beautiful, smart, loved, and enough. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

That's it for today. Sorry for the rant. Thx for reading amazing people. Till tomorrow. Allah Hafiz and bye byeeeee

-Ash Grey

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