Part 3 || 21/10/2021

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Hey guyz! 

Looks like we're back here again!

Hehe..sorry for the late. Had no wifi and you can't write anything if a window isn't loading.

Sorry for the wait and thank you for still being here.

It just shows that you care and want to get to know yourself better!

Grab your pens, notebooks, and thoughts, cuz we're going on answering these-weird-deep-hard-but-helpful questions again!

🥬   Lettuce start then shall we? 🥬

🥬   Lettuce start then shall we? 🥬

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Q. 1

What is your favorite story about your childhood?


There are a lot......I'll need to think a lot about it to come up with the best one.

There are 2 stories that i really like though.

One is when we were all at the park. Me and my fam. I was always an artistic kinda person. So yeah while they all played, i took my sketchbook with me and sketched the views there. On our way back (btw it takes 30 minutes to go to that park by vehicle), i realized that i forgot my Sketchbook at the park. It was getting late and although my mother was not very happy at first, she said we'll go back and search for it.

After dropping my brothers at home, both my parents took me to the park again and we searched for the book. We kept searching and searching till it was late. The sun was down and i lost hope of finding it. I knew that if we waited for tomorrow, someone else will find and take it. I started crying silently, knowing it was my fault. And my mother was comforting me. What can i say? i was too young back then.... 

My eyes darted to the place on the fountain. The sketchbook's back was the same color as the fountain. Cuz of the darkness, i couldn't see it at first but then i found my book. It blended in with the color of the fountain bricks. 

It was right before our eyes the whole time. Then all 3 of us laughed so much. Cuz of how we were stressing out. I think that was the last time i spent quality time with both my parents alone.....

Even one of the childhood memory took this long.....I'll do the other memory in the next chapter i suppose.

Q. 2

Why do you treasure that story so much?


My mother was so concerned when it was only a sketchbook. She could have bought me another one easily, but she knew that my book had my efforts in it. All the time i spent making different things. She knew how much it meant to me. After we kind of gave up searching for the book, the book didn't even matter anymore. I was so grateful that my parents came here cuz of me and are doing it for me. But i was heartbroken cuz i thought my mother would be sad that even after her efforts, we couldn't find the book. After we found it, we all laughed and it was.....i don't even know how to put it into words....

I miss that time so much. After that, i can't remember if i ever got to spend time alone with both my parents. It's been so many years.....maybe i was 10 yrs old at that moment? i can't remember. But i still remember that day like yesterday. And i will never forget it....

Q. 3

what do you love about yourself right now?


the fact that I am writing this? I like how I've started to realize that I'm only going to be there for myself. And also discovered a brilliant way to do it. And also doing self-reflection and these questions but instead of keeping it all in secret, I want to share it with the world. I want to be of as much use as possible.

If even one person is able to smile or come out of their stressful trace cuz of anything I write, then my job is done. I like that right now, while writing this, that I am writing this for a purpose and I hope that purpose is fulfilled. 

Q. 4

What was your fav thing about today?


I had this really awesome dream 🥰 And really that dream was amazing. I'm so glad I often have these wonderful dreams. It's almost like watching a really interesting movie except for that you're in the movie yourself.

Q. 5

Tomorrow, What can you do to adjust your behavior and perspective to be more aligned to the person you want to be?


Tomorrow will be the first day of my new school. Well, all I know is that I'll try my best to be confident. I want people to believe I want to be in that school ( I actually want to). I want to give off friendly vibes. Cuz first impression is the last impression.

A proper answer to this question will be: I will talk without hesitating. I will not give away anything related to my family or anything. I will talk with full interest. I will try to make people feel like they are special. Act confident, give an answer to everything except for just a nod or a shake of the head (which i do a lot). 


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Well guys........that's it for today i guess.

Wow i got really......emotional......but believe me, it's one of the best memories of my childhood. 

What were your answers? i am curious to find out!

I love you all so much!

You're beautiful, talented, wise, cute, smart, Important, loved, and cared for!

You guys never know how loved you are. You are important to this world. You can bring change. It's all about you. You matter!

Keep loving yourself like this, and one day the whole world will love you! (ppsst half the world already does)

Allah Hafiz and bye bye guyz 🥰🥰🥰

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