Chapter 7

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   My aching head pounds heavily as I peel my weary eyes open and take in my surroundings. All I can see is tall stone walls surrounding me as chains hold me to the ground. Lucy and Happy are nowhere in sight and I begin to get worried when I hear strange voices approaching my cell.
"Can you believe that brat? She was raised like royalty then just threw everything away to be with some human!"
    "The Queen is dealing with her. She'll get what she deserves."
    "What about the prince?"
    "We need only to await the Queen's orders. When she is finished with the girl, she'll decide what seems fit."
    "We do get to keep the cat though, right?"
Growing tired of their clamorous chitchat, I yell out them to grab their attention. "Hey!" The voices suddenly go quiet as they round the corner revealing two sirens, but with long, scaly, mermaid dresses instead of tails. They both look angry, one with scarlet red hair and a menacing aura that sends chills down my spin while the other has long white hair and blue eyes that hold tremendous power.
"Where's Lucy and Happy?" I ask lowly, almost in a growl.
    "You are not entitled to ask us any questions." The redhead says sternly.
    "What are you going to do to us?" I try again.
    "You don't listen do you? Though I have to admit, you are pretty cute." The other siren says.
"Mira, you don't have to be nice to everyone. He's our prisoner." The red head tells her.
    "You don't have to be mean to him either, Erza." They begin arguing.
    "Where am I? You can at least answer that." I reason with them.
    Turning back to me after their argument, the siren named Erza sighs. "I'm sure you are familiar with the celestial cavern, we are on the other side of the island from there. Though your location should not matter for you will never get to see the outside world again."
With that she turns and walks away. "See you soon!" Mira waves before following after her.
    "I will escape!" I yell after them, but they are already gone.
The rest of the day I try to find a weakness in the bars or some way to escape, but the cell is too strong and will not give way for anything. In the meantime while I try to think of an escape plan, I listen in on my surroundings and pick up on the sound of faint screaming in the distance. I can tell it belongs to Lucy.
Clenching my fist, I pound into the wall angrily. "Damnit!" I have never felt this way about a girl ever before. Though I never believed in it until it happened, it was love at first sight and I will do anything for her, I just need to find a way out.
After a few hours, the screaming finally stops and I focus my ears to try to pick up anything I can. But everything is as silent as the quiet before the storm.
Knowing that I need my strength in order to escape, I lay down and try to rest, but cannot seem to fall asleep.
Suddenly, my ears pick up soft footsteps quickly approaching and I immediately sit up. Though it is dark with barely any lights around, I am able to make out the slight shape of a small girl in the shadows. "Who are you?" I growl at her."
    "Don't worry, I'm here to help." She whispers.
There is something different about this siren, kind of like Lucy, but I still don't trust her. "You're a siren, why would you want to help us?" I ask, skeptically.
    "Because Princess Lucy is always so nice to me, she treats me like her sister and I promised that I would always help her, even if it meant breaking my loyalty to the Queen."
"And what about me? I'm human."
    "I'm still young and never actually met a human before. But you seem very different from the stories I've been told of cruel sailors. And any friend of Princess Lucy is a friend of mine!"
Her voice sounds genuine and friendly and I can tell that she is telling the truth so I decide to give her a chance. "Alright then, if Lucy trusts you then so will I. I'm Natsu."
    "Nice to meet you, I'm Wendy!"
The young siren walks closer to the cell and holds out her hand for me to shake. I can finally see her better and make out her deep blue hair and kind brown eyes that reminds me of my little brother. I shake her hand with a small smile. "Okay Wendy, what's the plan?"

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