Chapter 1

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Leaves softly tumble through the crisp summer's breeze as I walk along a field filled with wild asters and poppies. An angelic song drifts through the air, coming from the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She stands only a few yards away with the bright, golden sun setting behind her, making only a mere silhouette of the girl visible.
I try to approach the girl, but something stops me. A harsh force thrusts itself upon me, ferociously licking my face as if I am a delicious meal.
The revolting smell of damp salmon and fish clouds all my senses and forces me to wake up. Opening my eyes, I can see my unusually blue cat on my bed, licking me. "Oh Happy, did you have to wake me up from such a sweet dream?" I sigh as I push him off of me.
My fluffy blue cat just looks up at me with his glossy black eyes and lets out a small meow. "Shh, we must not let mother and father hear us!" I scold him in a hushed voice. Happy seems to understand and lies down on my pillow without another sound.
Looking out my window, I find the moon still high in the dark sky and the land down below wrapped in the cold embrace of darkness as it lies in a deep sleep. Today is the day.
Grabbing my pocket watch, I check the time, finding it to be 1:49 am, and stash it back in the deep pocket of my trousers. After throwing on a loose white shirt, I pack my leather satchel with items I will need on my journey like food, clothes, gems, my compass and map. Once I finish, I sit down at my desk to write my parents a letter:

Dear Mother and Father,
I am sorry I must tell you this through a letter, but I cannot stay here any longer and I know that if I were to tell you in person, you would try to change my mind. But I am afraid my mind is already made up.
I know you are just trying to think about what is good for the kingdom, but it is about time you start thinking about what is good for me for once.
You say I must marry, but I already told you I want to marry for love. So I am leaving to find the right one, then we will return. But until then, the kingdom can wait.
Your son, Natsu

After setting the letter down, I look over at Happy who is patiently waiting. "Let's go." I say and grab my satchel before leaving my room, quietly closing the door behind me. I sneak through a long corridor, down some steep stairs and out the secret door at the back of the castle with Happy close behind.
As I step out into the drab darkness of the extremely early morning, I look around to make sure no guards are watching before I head down the dirt path leading towards the docks of my hidden beach.
As we near the small, forgotten dock, I can see a sailboat waiting right where I left it. Climbing aboard, we set sail as the wind guides us down the ocean's current. Looking back at my homeland, I watch as the castle I was raised in slowly gets smaller and smaller until it is nothing but a speck on the horizon.
Everything is going according to plan. I am finally free. Free of responsibilities, free to make my own decisions, free to find my own love.

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