Chapter 8

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    Pacing back and forth in my cell, I impatiently wait for Wendy to return. After briefly explaining the faint details of a plan, that I don't even understand, she just left saying that she would be right back. Now all I can do is trust that she knows what she is doing and wait for my moment to lend a hand.
  After nearly a day of waiting, I finally hear footsteps approaching me, but as they walk closer, I can tell that they are not Wendy's. These footsteps are much heavier than her's and I can identify that there are two different people coming my way.
  Once they round the corner and approach my cell, I can see that they are the same guards from before; Erza and Mira. With stone cold expressions, Mira opens the door while Erza roughly grabs the chain around my hands and pulls me out, leading me down the corridor while I follow reluctantly.
"Where's Lucy?" I ask. "Where am I going?"
"The Queen wants you off of her hands." Mira vaguely answers after a while.
"So, you're releasing me?" I ask with hope. But Erza just gives me a stern look that tells me otherwise.
  I fall silent as I look around, trying to find some way out but when Mira notices she looks at me with a sly smile. "Don't even think about running away, I'll just trap you in a bubble before you get too far." She says threateningly in a sweet voice.
    My shoulders shudder slightly at the thought but I remain silent and continue walking forward with my head down.
    Soon we reach an intimidating, old oak door at the end of the lengthy hallway and as we step inside, a cold draft immediately sends shivers down my spine. The room is mostly empty besides a few spears and swords hanging on racks and standing in the middle of the room is a small siren with a daunting black mask covering her face.
    Her petite and almost even cute figure makes the strangely dire feeling accompanying the cold dungeon seem less dangerous, but the cold, polished sword in her hand makes up for it, returning the fear that stirs in my stomach.
    "He's all yours." Erza says after pushing me into the center of the room before the executioner.
"Kneel." The masked girl demands  in a low voice. My eyes scan the room and cross over the two glaring guards as I slowly comply.
    My father had trained me in combat since I was a young boy and I am sure I can get past the small girl, but it's their magic that I am worried about because even if I escape, I won't be able to get far. But even so, I can't let it end here.
    Remembering my father's training with quick reflexes, I decide to wait until the sword is already on its way down before rolling to the side and trying my luck with escaping before they even know what happened. I take in a deep breath and get ready as the sword is raised high above my head then suddenly it drops.
    Time seems to stop as I wait for the right moment- the last second before the sword hits- to come, but the sword out of nowhere stops and hovers above my head just as I am about to dodge. "You didn't really think I'd kill you, did you?" The executioner asks.
    I look up, confused, to find the sword thrown off to the side and the two guards fast asleep in an enchanted rest. "You didn't remember the plan?" She sighs as she tears off her mask.
"Wendy?" I gasp.
"Yes, now come on!" She grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. "The princess is this way."
    A smile plays on my lips as I follow her down another corridor. "You remind me a lot of my younger brother, Romeo. You're both very clever and kind." I say with admiration and a little guilt, feeling sad that I had to leave him behind.
    "He sounds nice, I would love to meet him someday." She says with a warm smile. After a short time of running, we reach a large door with golden trimming and Wendy gestures inside.
  Before entering, I put my ear against the door and listen in to make sure that the Queen or any other sirens are not already inside. Then once I deem it safe, I carefully open the door and step inside. But the sight waiting for me inside is one that I will never be prepared to see.
  In the center of the great bedroom, decorated in golden shells and coral, lying in a pool of scarlet red blood is Lucy.

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