Chapter 1: I'll go to orphanage.

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Chapter 1: I'll go to an orphanage.

Three Kings Auction House or simply known as TK House is the oldest and most successful auction house in Centreville City.

The owner of this auction house is a mysterious character.

The only person the public knew to be the closest to the owner was the house's manager, Mr. Tyler K..

It was said that TK House is successful, that's because they have more connections than most businessmen or politicians have; their connections reach to international level.

That's why whenever an organization wants to organize an auction, they'd come to the TK House.

But, not everyone can come to TK House to auction their items because unless most items passed the standards of the house, only then they can auction them.

There's also the most important prerequisite before they can auction their items after the standards were met.

The organization will have to agree that one-quarter of the profit made will directly go to the orphanage under the TK House-- pretty much all the orphanages in the country were under the TK House--and the other one-quarter will go to the TK House.

The organization can only have half the sum of the profit made.

To put it in number, if all the items sold made a whopping $500 million, the organization will have to take the $250 million.

It's an astronomical number considering that it's actually the lowest profit made in the TK House.

Some organizations can make billions-- that if they have more connections.

"Do you perhaps know the owner of this auction house?"

The auction has ended with 'Épines de roses' being sold to a young billionaire for $450 million dollars.

Martin looks at Anthony, his brow twitches.

Just how wide his imagination is?

"I don't know what that means."

Martin replied as he opens his car door.

"Don't forget to buckle your seatbelt."

He reminds Anthony because he seemed to always forget to wear his seatbelt.

"I mean, why would you even bother to bid and help them raise the bid? You didn't even intend to buy any item according to you?"

Martin shrugged and revved up the engine of his car.

"Wasn't it more satisfying seeing people glare at you like they want to tell you off for continuously bidding higher and higher?"

Martin chuckles as he truly finds it hilarious how people would glare at him every time he raises his placard.

Anthony let out a chortle.

"Yeah. Now that you mentioned it, I think I do, too. I mean, when the auction ended those people looked at you like they pity you or something? Was it because you bid for every and all items but still ended up getting nothing?--Hahaha!-- Once they found out you were playing around, they'd be so mad that they will want to kill you!"

Then, Anthony continues laughing as Martin drives to the nearest fast food.

Unbeknownst to him Martin wasn't only playing around; although, it might seemed so, he's not.

"Perhaps, I'll just hide then."

He said just to ride on with his friend's joke.

"Honestly though, you've been coming to TK House this year; it's the sixth time this time. What's with this auction that makes you wanna come back again and again? It's boring, really."

Anthony wouldn't want to be subject with such torturous even ever again.

Martin lets out amused chuckles and replies saying, "It might be boring, but it helps many people, and It's fun, really.", Martin laughs softly, then he added saying,

"TK House is by far the most reputable organization we knew about. If we calculate the profit of tonight's auction, it's at least $10 billion."

"I think it's more than that, really."

Martin hums in response.

"Let's just put it that way anyway. Now, try to calculate how much will go to the orphanage?"

"It's simple, 25 percent. It'll be $2.5 billion! Wow..."

"Bingo! Unfortunately, some millions will have to be taken away for some things. But, it's still good."

"Why can't I just go to the orphanage? Like for the remaining years until I turn 18? I can stop paying bills for at least less than 2 years."

"Yeah, I might as well go to their orphanage."

Martin laughs sarcastically before he glares at his friend.

"Are you dumb? Am I not paying you enough in my shop?"

Anthony went silent before his mouth went 'o' and his eyes went wide as if finally remembering that he's got a job and he's been on it since last year.

"Oh, man! I totally forgot I have work tomorrow!"

"Those people and their money really got their way into my brain."

Martin shook his head in Anthony's stupid trait of forgetting something like his job.

Martin and Anthony pulled over to the first fast-food chain along the way home.

Martin has a small art gallery that he opened one year ago.

The painting there was mostly abstract and landscape painting.

Sometimes, he does customized painting for some clients; most of the time, his clients are either newlyweds or some mothers-in-law. They all wanted a good landscape to put in their rooms.

He also has customers who requested for him to paint on their house walls.

When he opened the art gallery, he hired Anthony to be the manager; Anthony faces all the clients, he settles the payment, he arranges the painting in the gallery, and plans Martin's schedule accordingly.

Despite Anthony's stupid antics--being overdramatic and acting oblivious of many things--, he's actually top-tier in their school.

He's in the full scholarship program of their school. Plus, he receives many invites from top-notch universities in the city.

In all honesty, Martin is not willing to let go of Anthony.

He can offer so much more to his friend than other organizations can.

He knows that Anthony spends his weekends doing gigs in different clubs in the city; it's only a matter of time before some company starts noticing his talent.

He wants to be a musician.

He has plans for his friend, he's already making a proposal for him and only waiting for the right timing.

"Just order what you want, it's on me tonight."

"It's always on you all the time anyway, nothing's new."

Anthony excitedly went to the line.

Martin follows behind him.

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