Chapter 2: compensate me
The onlookers finally understood the situation.
It was because of a petty thing; like, whoever, other than this blonde girl, make a big fuss because she feels like the other girl's apology was not sincere enough?
Martin thinks otherwise: Yes, it seems like a petty thing to do, but people should learn to say sorry--say sorry like you mean it--and also stop using your phone while walking around with other people because it's dangerous!
"Just accept the sorry and let go, Jesus!"
"Girls be taking all sh*t so serious, hell nuh!"
"This wasn't a fight, after all, it's just a petty fuss! Just accept the sorry and forget!"
The blonde girl, who Martin never noticed in the school before seems to have taken offense with the way those guys were dismissing her point.
Martin saw her rolls her eyes and calmly turns to the guys.
She sarcastically says,
"Men be playing generous, if I smack your girlfriends' faces and said sorry, you'll not let me go. You be saying that 'cause this sh*t ain't your business. You American wannabee ain't fooling the sh*t out of me.".
She said that causes everyone to laugh.
That's actually really true-- Martin thought to himself. He also couldn't help but chuckles at the way the girl talked.
Besides, guys should not really tell the girls off; that's the biggest mistake guys do sometimes.
Before the guys can respond, he walks up to the two girls.
"Hey, uh, excuse me?"
Martin calmly reached out and put his hand on the other girl's shoulder.
The girl turned.
"Oh, thanks to God, you're here, Martin!"
That's when Martin finally realized who the other girl was.
Martin turns his head to the blonde girl before he turns back again to Nicole.
"Ah, yes,", he smiles in response and looks around them.
"Please, you're getting enough attention. Proceed to your class immediately, you're homeroom teacher is already there."
Why were the school guards not there when they're actually needed?
"Hmph! I ain't letting her go without my deserved apology."
The blonde girl harrumphed and she looks at Martin intently.
"I know, if it'll make you feel a little better, I will apologize on her behalf."
Then, Martin signals Nicole to get away from the scene.
Before the other girl can react, Nicole was already gone in the crowd.
What annoys the girl more was seeing the crowd make a way for Nicole.
"Bastard,", Martin ignored her.
He turns to the students, and he strictly told them off.
"Go back to your rooms, the drama ends here."
The students groan before finally waking away from the scene.
"Damn, man! I was left there in the middle of the crowd. You rushed over and didn't wait for me!"
Anthony reached to Martin panting and trying to catch his breath.
"Go back to our room, tell our homeroom teacher I'll be at the school infirmary."
"Are you sick?"
"No," Martin looks at the blonde girl.
"But I have something to do, okay?"
"That's fine. I'll tell the other teachers if you can't make it till afternoon."
When Anthony was out of sight, he finally turned to face the blonde girl.
She was staring intently at him while her arms were crossing.
"What?" She irritatedly asked with a brow-raising up at him.
Martin calmly stood there, hands on his packet, and eyes clear. He didn't do anything wrong, so there's nothing to be guilty about.
"I'm sorry about what happened. It's within my duty to...uhh...keep the ground peaceful since I just found out I was elected as the Class 5 representative this year."
Martin can swear to himself that he saw her face soften before it goes back to her stoic expression.
"Hmph! I'm not accepting an apology from you; either that girl apologizes to me or you compensate me."
She harrumphed and looked away from him.
"Alright, how would you like to be compensated?"
"I'll think about it."
Then she walked away like nothing happened like she didn't cause a commotion.
Personally, Martin thought it was not her fault at all in the first place.
Her fault, if he can even consider it as one, was that she tried teaching how it should be to be sorry to someone who seemed like she didn't give a fuck about even if she's in the wrong.

The bad-tempered muse
Teen FictionPeople often say, "Life is so complicated!". What if you think you already have two lifetimes? The complication level up to a whole new level! You think you already have two lifetimes but you still think your past will repeat itself. In the past...