Acorns and Acquaintances

605 6 21

Tw: alcohol, swearing
Pancake cookies Pov
I had been at the park all day, I love the park especially when Custard Cookie is there. We play all sorts of games, and I get Herb Cookie to bring me acorn jellies. I have a plan that works every time, to get what I want when I want it.

"Okie Custard Cookie, you ready for the plan?"

"I'm not sure this is a good idea..."

"It's gonna be fine cmon live a little"

Custard hates the chaos I cause, but it's worth it every time to get the adrenaline rush. It's like riding a roller coaster in your mind.

I wanted to do something extra special for Herb Cookie today, so I got Custard Cookie in on the plan.

"He'll never see it coming broski, don't worry."

"If you say so..."

A new bar opened up recently, and the plan was to steal some of the sparkling "juice" they sell, to put in Herbs drink at lunch. When he gets drunk things get real wild, so it'll be really funny.

One time he got absolutely wasted, and made out with the king after puking all over the throne. Another time he tried to seduce a cactus, it took hours to get all the thorns out. No one really knows it, but he's a total alcoholic anyway.

The best part is no one will know I'm behind it, they'll probably blame it all on Sparkling Cookie, after all it's his bar.

I managed to get Custard Cookie on board by explaining my big bro would also get into trouble, and that would even things out. I may have also promised him 300 gems, it's fine though that's easy money. Just a couple of missions I'll have to go on across a few months to be able to get that much on my own.

The big cookies don't want little kids like us on their team, they say it's too dangerous. That's why I always sneak into battle, they never notice too much. I'm fact I help a lot, they really should be thanking me for all the hard work I do.

Someday when I'm big enough I'll have my own team, and we'll kick serious ass. With Custard Cookie by my side healing, there's nothing we can't defeat. I reckon we could even take down the Red velvet Dragon, that guilds spend ages fighting.

Besides Custard would be lost without me, I'm obviously the smart one here, I don't waste time reading and doing homework like a dumbass. Instead I strategize, and plot my next big move. The world isn't ready for my genius yet, that's what Clover Cookie tells me anyway.

I'm good at playing the innocent act, just one cute face, then I'm farming aws like it's nobody's business. They forget what they were talking about seconds later, and BAM I'm off the hook. With just a little extra bribery, I make it off with acorn jellies galore. Acorn jellies are the best things ever, I will do anything to get my hands on some.

"He says he's on his way, you know what that means"

I throw a wink at Custard Cookie.

"We gotta move fast, and get that sparkling "juice"

"Yeah it's zoom zoom time bois"

He runs off to distract Sparkling Cookie, while I zoom to the bar, we don't have much time to carry through our plan.

I crouch down as I get close to the bar, Sparkling Cookie should be distracted, but I'm still careful. If we get caught this could be the end for me.

I jump up to the windowsill, and push out the glass from the frame. I slip through the opening and descend to the floor, flapping out my wings in a true flying squirrel fashion. It helps me glide down safely, and slowly.

My feet touch down lightly, and I'm off again. I'm absolute speed, zooming through the bar to the back room. I swing through the doorway to gaze at the many kegs stored back there. It's incredible how much cookies drink after battle, Sparkling Cookie must make a fortune.

I walk up to one, and attempt to pick it up. It's heavier than I thought, so I have to go grab a dolly, luckily there's one across the room. I grab the handle, and wheel it over to the keg. If this goes the way I think it will, I should be able to just roll it onto the dolly.

I push it slowly down, and it rests into place neatly. I prop it up against the rack, then scurry off to grab a tie-down. I hurriedly tie it down so I can wheel it back to the park safely.

I grab my phone to send a text off to Custard Cookie.

"How's it going big man?"

"Sparkling is still distracted, just please hurry back"

"Ok lol I'll be there soon :D"

I grab the dolly and zoom out the door, if I'm fast enough they can't stop me. That's definitely how crime works, don't worry.

I get to the park with perfect timing. Custard Cookie rushes over to help me unload the "juice". We move quickly to pour out a generous portion just for Herb Cookie. Then we tie up the "juice" again, and Custard Cookie go's to wheel it back to the bar.

I tell him a quick step by step of how to get it back, and he zooms off.

"He's cute running," I think to myself.

The next step is to sneak the "juice" into his drink when he isn't looking, probably the easiest part.

Enjoy the cliffhanger ig y'all got more to read this time :D also LETS FUCKING GO MUSTARD MUMMIES TAKING THE W ON MCC 18 iykyk😉

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