The meeting

542 13 5

Tw: Alcohol use, Swearing

Herb Cookie's POV
I was rushing to get back to the park, because Pancake cookie gets very impatient, and I don't feel like dealing with that today. I wouldn't be surprised if he still got mad for being there later than he wanted me to be.

Something catches my eye as I'm running, and it makes me stop. The new bar that opened up, I'll have to stop by later. I'd say I have something to celebrate, and no that's not just an excuse to get wasted tonight. I've made a lot of progress with my plants, my favorites are growing up so beautifully.

I break my gaze, and focus again on the task at hand, getting my little brother his lunch. I'd like to think it's my job to take care of him, as Clover Cookie took care of me. Us brothers gotta look out for each other, and that means providing food if needed.

I start running again, and I'm absolute speed. The buildings fly by, just blurs of color zipping past me. Soon I'm at the park, and I can see Pancake Cookie sitting ever so cutely on a picnic bench. He laughs at something Custard Cookie says, it's pretty cute not gonna lie.

"Hey Pancake I got you the food"

"Finally you took ages", he pouts at me. His pout is cute enough to make anyone fold, and soon they're giving him whatever he wants. He never misses a chance to use it either.

I set down the bag of food and a bottle of juice, then let him pick through the bag. He of course, dumps it out to then take everything for him and his friend. They split it up carefully, and start to eat while I pour myself some of the juice.

They exchange a look, which confuses me, then ask me to show them my plants. The excitement sparks in my eyes at the mention of plants, and I of course go back to get one of my babies to show them. Pancake Cookie never really has an interest in my plants, and I'm always looking for a bonding moment. I'm very glad this occasion occurred, even if it's kinda sus.

I grab a nice plant, then head out again. I can't help but smile at the thought of showing off my plants to my little brother. I might even be able to get him interested in my work, someday he might even take over the greenhouse.

I get back to Pancake Cookie giggling, kind of a red flag, but whatever I got my plant. They actually seem interested in learning about succulents and cacti, with only occasional chances at my cup. The more I drink the more I feel... different.

"Where'd we get this juice again, it's kinda funky?"

He laughs a bit before responding.

"Just the store, same brand we always get"

A questionable answer, I consider the possibility of him being right. Yeah like that's gonna happen, he probably did something to it. That's when I figure out what's off, "oh my god you spiked my drink didn't you?!"

He just laughs harder, "Maybe" He sticks his tongue out at me, "Why would I do such a thing, I'm oh so very innocent"

I take a bigger sip to try and identify the unknown substance, he smirks at me in response. Custard Cookie is staring at his shoes, not wanting to make eye contact with me. Probably in on it too. I start feeling even more tipsy, and my speech starts to slur.

"Hey guysss what'd you put in hereee, it tastes really funkyyyy but in a good wayyy", I can barely get out before burping loudly. I turn to the side, and quickly vomit, even after all my substance use I'm still very prone to the stuff.

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