Late Shift

291 11 15

TW:swearing as always, alchohol

Sparkling Cookie's pov

It was kind of abrupt when Herb Cookie left, hopefully he's doing ok on his mission. Luckily for me I'm almost never called in, I get to just vibe at my beloved bar most days.

I pick up the rag, and wipe the counter to distract me from my thoughts. I know I just met the man, but I don't think I could ever recover if I lost him. Then the bell above the door rings, and in walks several cookies.

A battle must've just finished, they're all scratched and bruised, stumbling over to a table nearby. I can't help, but look for Herb Cookie, you never know that could've been his group. Guess not though, I can't find his familiar face in the crowd.

A sigh escapes my lungs, and I put the rag down. Time to make some drinks again, a cookie walks up to the counter, and looks over at the menu. I immediately switch into customer service mode.

"Hi love what can I get for you tonight?"

The customer blushes a bit, then makes an order. The motions come naturally at this point, and soon I have a stunning handcrafted cocktail in front of me. Sliding it across the counter, I throw a wink towards the customer. Then I'm waved over to another customer, and making another drink.

The night goes on like this for some time, nothing interesting happening of course. I guess I could use a break after the excitement of the night before. I've only known Herb for a day, yet it feels as though we've formed a strong bond already.


It's close to closing time, and I still haven't seen Herb cookie yet. I glance out towards the floor one last time, still hopeful he'll return. As if on cue, another group coming from battle walks in.

I find Herb Cookie right away, and his gaze meets mine. He looks like shit if I'm gonna be honest, tired and bloody, he winces when he walks, and his clothes are torn and stained.

"Oh my god"

The exclamation slips out of my mouth before I can stop it, I slap a hand over my mouth hoping it didn't offend him. He seems like a sensitive type, and I don't want to hurt his feelings. It seems ok though, he barely looks up, you can tell I caught his attention from the life returning to his eyes.

When his eyes meet mine, I can tell something happened, I don't have much time to think before he rushes over. He seems to forget his pain in the excitement, only once he stops moving does his face twist up in agony.

"Are you ok love?"

I'm trying to keep it cool, I don't really want him knowing I worry about him. Someone's gotta put on the brave face here after all.

"Y-yeah it's not too bad- wait... love?"

He starts blushing, hard, and turns his face away in embarrassment. God he's so goddamn cute.

"You got a problem being called love sweetheart?"

I'll admit it might be a dick move flirting with him while he's oblivious to my feelings for him. He probably doesn't know I'm gay...well pan actually. I plan on telling him later, for now though I'll just flirt.

He looks back over at me, still blushing hard. He probably gave up trying to hide it, and he lunges out. His arms wrap around my body, and he holds me tightly against himself. I don't have a lot of experience being hugged, pure vanilla was always busy and Custard never really cared for me much.

My mouth hangs open in surprise for a moment, before resting into a smile, something I'm used to but has never been genuine. This man makes me so happy, I can feel my face heating up too.

His legs melt under him, like cotton candy in water, then I'm catching him again. This seems to happen a lot...maybe it's not a coincidence anymore. I slide an arm under his legs, and pick him up. I move him onto one of the stools, maybe some "juice" will help hide his pain, seems to work with mental pain.

He's clenching his teeth pretty hard, I can only guess what happened to him out there.

"Aren't you a healer love? Why're you hurting still?"

He looks at me like I'm an idiot, a beautiful idiot obviously you've seen me.

"I am...that's not how it works though I can't heal myself"

I roll my eyes at him, clearly I knew that. I'm a much higher level and can heal myself though, sometimes I forget it's not a thing all healers can do.

"Well you're in luck hot stuff cause I'm also a healer"

He seems surprised, guess I'll take it as a compliment that I seem more like a offense. I mean I am pretty buff, that's just a bonus though.

"What're you waiting for?"


After healing him, I managed to convince him to have a drink. I mean I am running a business here, might as well earn some cash.

He ordered the strongest drink we have, unsurprisingly I've been told he's got a thing for alcohol. Him and Vampire Cookie, are soon gonna be bar regulars here.

I slide the finished drink over to him, the bars closed up by now so it's just the two of us. I walk over the the jukebox to get us some music, I've always been a fan of retro music and it seemed like a good investment.

I watch him down the whole ass drink in one shot, then wipe his mouth off. He hops off the stool, then walks over to me.

"Wanna dance big boy?"

My face heats up, I'm not used to being flirting with. Obviously because I'm a top.

"Of course love"

He pulls me close, and we start dancing.


When the song ends and we're stuck in silence until someone buys another song, he leans in. His lips press against mine, soft and sweet. Butterflies rise up in my stomach, and I kiss back.

He tastes like whiskey and blood, it's so wrong in the best ways. He tastes like pain, but more heavily lust it overpowers all my thoughts. I only focus on him, the love of my life. When I break away for air, it's gotten dark outside, like really dark.

"Wanna spend the night here?"

The words are barely a whisper, scared to loose the moment I guess.

"Is that even a question hot stuff"

He trails a finger down my chest slowly, I've also been told he gets horny drunk. I didn't believe it until now, the innocent seeming ones always seem to be the least innocent in the end, they just need a little help.

I grab his hand, and walk him into the back room. I've had a bedroom set up here for a while, in case I didn't wanna go home...

A/N This is pretty much the closest I'll get to smut so yeah. Ik you horny motherfuckers like that shit, so you better have enjoyed this chapter if not I'm coming for your kneecaps

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