
399 11 27

Tw: swearing
Herb Cookies pov
I followed Sparkling Cookie upstairs, trying hard not to stare at that voluptuous booty of his. A task that proved harder than it seemed.

He walked slowly up each stair, occasionally looking back at me. He probably didn't want me falling down the stairs, seeing as I'm still recovering from the "juice".

When we reached the top, he turned signaling for me to follow him. We walked down the hallway a bit, and went into the first door on the right. The second door was covered in your usual tacky "keep out" signs. Of course Custard Cookie has that on his door. He probably has the minecraft creeper hoodie too, because that's the kind of child he is.

I notice another room on the left side, the doors open a crack, and it's very neat inside. It must be Pure Vanilla's room, I probably shouldn't go in there.

Instead I focus on the room in front of me again, and walk inside. Sparkling Cookie is surprisingly good at decorating. The whole room has a nice presence, and I instantly feel at home.

My gaze drifts over to the bed, adorned with flower print sheets, and a plaid comforter. He has a bee plushie propped up on the pillow, staring off into the distance. It's cute honestly, how he has small touches that show his less masculine side. He's not afraid to be seen as "soft", which I admire, it takes a lot of guts. I'm definitely not biased by the flowers what're you talking about.

He notices me eyeing the bed, and walks back over to me.

"You tired already?"

"Yeah I don't usually stay up this late"

"Make yourself at home I'll find somewhere to sleep"

I blush a bit, he's so generous offering me the bed. I plop down and tuck myself in carefully, he goes off to change because apparently some people still wear pajamas.

I start to get extra sleepy staring at the ceiling, and listening to Custard and Pancake next door. They've been gaming the entire night so far, it's cute how motivated they are to do well.

There was one time when Pancake Cookie told me he wanted to stream on Twitch™️ one day, I didn't know how to respond, but I'll wholeheartedly support my baby brother with whatever makes him happy. For his birthday I'm getting him his very first webcam, hopefully then he can get started.

As for Custard Cookie, he's pretty much forced into being a prince. He's also expressed interest in Twitch™️ though, and he always wants what he can do with his best friend. In the end I think they'll be successful, they're good kids at heart, but we all know they'll most likely have to fight for their living in the many battles this kingdom has.

Times aren't the brightest, if we have children on the front lines. That reminds me I have battle Duty soon, our offense cookies have healed thanks to my herbs, and we must return to reclaiming our land. The darkness will be defeated at our hands one day, then maybe my brother can live the life he wishes for.

My eyes start getting really heavy as I hear the door creak open, Sparkling Cookie walks in just as I fall asleep.


I open my eyes slowly, blinking the sleep away. It's impulse to check the time, but I remember where I am. I'm not sure where Sparkling Cookie keeps his clock, or if he even has one.

As I wake up, the memories come back, flooding in like a landslide in the winter. I sit up with a jolt, I can't believe I did all that, I've barely met this man for gods sake.

Then I notice he's laying next to me, still sleeping peacefully, a small smile on his lips. I calm myself, then get out of his bed, trying hard not to wake him. He mumbles something as I'm opening the door.

"Don't leave yet baby, I'll miss you"

He seems to still be sleeping, so I guess he's dreaming about his girlfriend or something. I'll make sure to leave quieter next time, I don't want him waking up after all.

The hallway is quiet when I step out of Sparkling's room, the kids are probably sleeping still. I tiptoe my way downstairs, and head to the bathroom. I want to make sure I look presentable after all.

They're bathroom is surprisingly fancy, almost everything is gold plated or adorned, its very different from Sparkling's room. I guess Pure Vanilla wanted the house to look fancy for visitors or something. I probably should've expected this.

I glance at myself in the mirror, taking in my bed head and groggy expression. I'm glad I stopped by the bathroom, because I do not look cute right now, if I move fast I can be ready and start breakfast before everyone else is up.

When I'm happy with my appearance, I wonder around the house, looking for the kitchen. This is like the biggest house I've been in, it's easy to get lost here. Luckily I find it soon enough, and get started with making enough food for us all. One day I'll make a great househusband for some lucky man, I'm actually a great cook and pretty good at cleaning.

When I finally turn off the stove, some footsteps can be heard upstairs. I smile a bit to myself, they're finally waking up. A few seconds later Pancake and Custard are running down the stairs, and dashing to the table.

"Thank you for breakfast Herb Cookie"

Custard Cookie smiles up at me, while Pancake cookie inhales his plate next to him. Pancake Cookie always eats fast, and eats a lot.

Eventually Sparkling Cookie joins us downstairs, and makes himself a plate. It's hard telling him I have to leave, but there's things Pancake Cookie and I need to do today.

Pancake Cookie grabs onto my leg when I try to leave, but I really do have to hurry. I've been called into battle again, apparently this time it's extra important. Pancake finally lets me go, and I'm out the door.

A/N I forgot what these were called lol anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter bois

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