The mission

275 9 4

Tw: Swearing, violence

Herb Cookie's Pov
I get to the battlefield as fast as possible, it's not often an important battle occurs, and I don't wanna miss this.

I had left Pancake Cookie at home, after all the battlefield is no place for a child like him. Maybe one day he'll join me, and lead our kingdom into victory. For now though, he'll stay home.

The battle preparations always take a while, sorting out teams and whatnot takes a lot of time. It's important we make teams that are strongest together, so victory can be taken quickly and easily.

I get ushered over to a waiting area along with the rest of my team, and plop down on the bench waiting for me. Everyone else glances over at me, probably wanting an introduction. Not many of us actually know each other going into battle, the teams get mixed up a lot with new additions to our ranks. I only recognize a few cookies here, the important ones obviously.

Hollyberry Cookie is in our group luckily, she always comes through with her job of defense. Making it so there's less healing to be done and less suffering for us. We also have a few other cookies... I don't recognize.

"I'm Herb Cookie, your healer this time around by the way"

I flash them by nicest smile, if they like me my job will be much easier after all. Then we're swept away, it's go time.


I focus on following Hollyberry Cookie, while we walk through the forest, twigs snapping under our feet. We're all looking for enemies, so not much gets said.

The quiet is almost violent, thank god there's the noise of the sticks to keep me slightly sane. I'm not good without sound, there should always be noise happening around you, it's really unnatural if there isn't, and I really don't like that.

We reach a clearing, and something seems off. There's no enemys here, in fact there's nothing here. Hollyberry Cookie motions for us to group up, then whispers...

"Probably a trap, be careful guys"

We nodd our heads in agreement, having all reached the same conclusion. She signs for our cookies with ranged abilites to scope out the area, if there's enemys waiting somewhere to snipe us that's not good. It'd be one surefire way to lose the battle, the element of surprise always helps a ton. As well as being on your homeland, most of these...things we're fighting lived here before all this. They were lost to the control of Dark Enchantress Cookie, not much they can do about that.

It's kind of sad how they're all forced into fighting us, but if we don't fight back... Then there won't be hope for the future of cookiekind. Once we have all the legendary heros, we can finally take down Dark Enchantress Cookie, and make sure cookies everywhere are safe. No more will they have to deal with the pain of being eaten, and the pain of running battlefield to battlefield losing loved ones, or at least seeing them injured. No more having children on the front lines, then maybe my brother can have the life he wants.

I'd go through hell and back for Pancake Cookie, weather or not he knows it. Hopefully someday he'll realize everything I do for him, just as I've realized everything Clover Cookie has done for me. Hopefully we'll all live the lives we've wanted for so long. This reign or terror must be stopped.

A cookie I've never seen before steps forward, small enough to be a child, but looking as if they'd seen death more times then most. Their pirate style appearence was both adorable, and charming. I watched as they pulled a spyglass from their pocket, and looked through it, at the trees. Then looked back at us, pointed to a spot a few feet away, and spoke.


Somehow a few of the other cookies understood, and aimed their weapons at that spot. With amazing aim, they hit several enemys, and we all watched them fall. The pirate cookie signaled it was all clear, a moment later Hollyberry Cookie pushed us behind her, then charged the enemys. They bounched off her sheild farther away, then more came running out from all sides.

Another cookie I haven't seen leapt forward with her sword drawn, bright pink hair trailing behind her. She moved as though she'd done this a thousand times before, slicing through target after target, but they kept coming. Another cookie stepped forward, tall and regal looking. She wore a witches outfit, but had the essence of a professor. She cast a few spells, knocking the enemys back. The pink cookie took the opening, and sliced the shit out of them, leaving no survivors of the enemy force in her wake. I watched in awe until I heard someone cry out in pain, the instinct hit me, and I moved. I move fastest when someone is suffering, and in no time I'm by their side.

The pirate cookie took a pretty big hit, leaning over and breathing heavily. Blood pools around them, pouring out from their tiny body, I can see the pain in their eyes. A pain I know all too well, it's a bad wound, one I might not be able to heal. As calmly as possible, I use my best abilities to heal the wound. They seem to be doing better, but that doesnt stop the blood from pouring. I have to dress the wound, but don't have enough time.

An enemy comes from behind, and my life flashes before my eyes. I see their weapon getting closer, aimed straight for my heart. The memories flooding out, like the blood from this childs body in my arms. Then with a moment to spare, Hollyberry is here, she raises her sheild taking the blow, and saving my life. She pushes away the danger, granting me more time. I'm still in shock, but not for long, the situation is the same.

I have a life to save.

With that, I get back to my job of healing those weakened. The brave little child who took out many of our enemys, will not die here, not on my watch. I won't stand for children dying, not now not never. I quickly, dress the wound, still making sure it's well done. The pirate child is much better, and won't die here, but now I'm pissed.

Those fuckers are gonna pay...

A/N This is my first time writing what I'll consider angst Idk if it actually is lol anyway I've got plans to tie in more of the games actual lore so hopefully that'll be good as always thanks sm for the support <3

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