Nothing like home

431 11 13

Tw swearing
Sparkling Cookie's POV

It's odd having a cute boy sleeping in your car, especially when you've just met. At least the little brothers are here to keep us In line, who knows what would've happened if I'd been left alone with such an attractive man.

I'm gonna make it my goal to get him thirsty for me only, not as hard as I originally thought. He's already simping for me, I just gotta give him time to realize his obvious feelings.

He's even cuter asleep somehow, I almost don't wanna stop driving with him next to me. It's fine though, once I drop the kids off we can have some alone time. Just him and me, we can forget about the world and just chill.

Then maybe I'll bring up being single, and it might get through his head I'm interested in him. God how I wanna kiss that pretty face leaned against the window.

I force myself to pay attention to the road, biting my lip to keep myself in line. We pass by a row of houses, then another, and another. We reach mine, and I carefully park in the driveway, trying not to wake up Herb Cookie.

Pancake Cookie suddenly unseatbelts, and runs up to the front of the car.

"Hey boss man, can I stay the night with Custard Cookie?"

He pouts adorably at me while he talks, it's hard to resist, and soon I find myself contemplating letting him stay.

"Don't your parents want you home?"

"Well...," he furrows his brows, clearly feeling defeated.

"They do want me home, but I'm sure they'll say yes if I ask"

He puffs up his chest triumphantly, as if he's done some great accomplishment. It makes me giggle a little, he's cute even if he is a little shit. I can see why Custard hangs out with him now, you gotta be fruity if you're in this family.

"Text your family, if they say yes then sure dad won't care he loves all of you little shits"

His face lights up, and he whips out his phone. As he's typing away, I glanced over at Custard cookie in the back. He's also passed out, snoring peacefully against the window.

It only takes a minute for a response.

"They said yes, so I can stay?"

"Of course sweetheart, I keep a promise"

He tucks his phone away, then goes back to wake up his friend. I remember Herb Cookie is sitting next to me, and do the same. He opens his eyes groggily, and yawns.

"Oh hey sparkling, where am I"

He's talking slow, and his morning voice is peeking through. It's cute on him, I wonder what it'd be like waking up next to him.

"I was gonna drop you off at home, but your brothers spending the night at my place now, and we're here"

"O-oh I wouldn't mind staying too, if that's an option," he smiles up at me.

"I mean yeah, if you really want to"

His gaze falls to my lips, I pretend not to notice. It's taking all my self control not to make a move right now. I just need to get everyone in the house, then we'll have alone time...

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